Head & Heart

Head & Heart

It's not only being physically fit, but emotionally fit, too! Here's how to handle everything from confidence to work stress.

traditional medicines

5 Popular Traditional Medicines: Their Benefits and Uses

Image Source We have depended on traditional medicine for thousands of years to meet our healthcare needs. And despite technological and medical advancements today, the...
Habits to kick in 2022

3 Ways To Kick Your Habits In Time For The New...

New year, new me. A beloved expression many share at the start of a new year. However, many resolutions made in January rarely stick....

5 Ways to Sleep Better When You’re Sharing a Bed With...

Everyone in the world knows that sleep is absolutely essential for our health. Since we were young, we’ve been educated that we all need...
School saftety

How Risky are Schools in the Covid-19 Landscape?

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, but the education sector has been hit particularly hard. With widespread school closures, children...

5 Helpful Tips For Managing Your Online Learning Effectively And Without...

With the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, we're only beginning to see a glimmer of the hope that it might all be over soon....

Entrepreneur Mindset: Dealing with Stress in a Healthy Manner

We’re all familiar with stress. It pops up at the worst and best times. In small doses, it can be helpful. It helps us...

Can Hypnosis Improve Health And Wellness?

Hypnotherapy is a punchline in popular culture. A pair of eyes quickly glaze over as they fall into a trance after a strange doctor...
7 Body Diseases

Top 7 Body Diseases You May Not Have Heard About

  A rare disease can be any disease that affects only a few people in a particular geographic location. Because of their unique...
Reward your employees

5 Ways to Reward Your Employees

One of the top ways to keep your employees happy is by giving gifts. Gifts will always be appreciated and will show...
Staying safe in a pandemic

5 Ways to Encourage Friends and Family to Keep Themselves Safe...

If there’s one thing that 2020 has taught us, it’s that it’s better to be safe than sorry. Of course, not everyone...

Anxiety: Symptoms, Types, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment:

Introduction Anxiety is a natural and healthy feeling. Economic conditions put us under stress, and becomes a medical condition. Anxiety disorders affect...

3 Steps to Meditation for Addiction Treatment

Picture Via Unsplash – https://unsplash.com/photos/VD-Vjc8VmRA 3 Steps to Meditation for Addiction Treatment Meditation is a valuable tool and has shown to reduce blood pressure,...

8 Mindfulness Tools to Help You Overcome Addiction

As anyone who has ever tried to quit smoking, cut down on alcohol, or simply cut down on screen time can attest,...
Stress relief

How CBD Can Relieve Your Daytime Stress

Anxiety disorders have been at an all-time high in the last 10 years. The most common cause...

3 Appropriate Things to Say to a Friend or Loved One...

At one point or another in your life, you may have  been faced with the situation of...
Ways to Manage Anxiety

Ways to Manage Anxiety

Everyone has a little anxiety. In fact, having anxiety is good as it protects us from running...
Covid-19 PPE

Everything You Need To Know About Personal Protective Equipment Against COVID-19

Personal Protective Equipment or PPE is a broad term that includes all items that can protect one from health and safety risks....
Productive at home

How To Stay Productive During Home Quarantine

Source: Unsplash The novel coronavirus outbreak in 2019 has prompted affected countries to implement a total lockdown in cities, regions, and states to...

Why Should You Immediately Visit a Chiropractor After an Auto Crash?

According to the Association for Safe International Travel Road, over two million auto accidents occur worldwide. Georgia suffered 1,554 fatalities in motor...

Can a healthy lifestyle save you money?

If you’re looking for ways to save money, creating a healthier lifestyle could be a way to...


Creating A Supportive Environment: Long-Term Disability Wellness In The Workplace

Workplace wellness is increasingly recognized as crucial for organizational productivity, growth, and overall workforce morale. While there's plenty of focus on general employee wellbeing,...

The Importance of a Public Health Worker in a Growing Community

As our communities continue to expand and evolve, the role of public health workers has become increasingly critical. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the...

7 Skills Every Nurse Needs

  The nursing profession offers remarkable rewards and significant challenges, calling for a wide array of skills to succeed. Nurses, as the cornerstone of the...

Ten unsuspected health benefits of Oats & honey

Oats and honey- the famous duo on everyone's breakfast list. From cereals to scrubs, trail mix, and energy bars, oats and honey have many...