Summer Hair: Healthy Hair in 4 Easy Steps

When summer hits in the city my straight hair life is over.

My natural curly-ish hair paired with the humidity means that I do not have a friend in the summer weather when it comes to my looks. (Remember my summer skin saga??) This may be an “I want that beach hair look” dream for some people, but for me it is my only hair option.

Since I am the worst hair person ever, I quickly learned to embrace my summer fro. I don’t know how to French braid. My attempt at the cute poof pony everyone does is laughable. And I stalk Pinterest with the ultimate resentment for those who are much more hair savvy than myself. Pretty much every hair day is the same.  I let my hair air dry and walk out the door with my au natural, slightly damp locks pinned back.

Luckily my hair routine, although it is not the most stylish, fits in pretty nicely with the “rules” to having healthy hair in the hottest months.

Make everyday a healthy hair day with these top 4 ways to maintain your summer mane:

  1. Trim It: Lots of my friends indulge in the summer chop off as a cooling technique, but a quick trim can do wonders for you overall hair health. Cutting off the dry, damaged and split ends before they pass up your hair and damage beyond the ends is a must for lovely locks. Head to your stylist for a healthy, summery trim!
  2. Eat a Hair Healthy Diet: They always say that you are what you eat and the saying holds true for your hair too. Be sure to include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. So chow down on foods such as salmon, spinach, walnuts and flax seed for fabulous and strong hair. A balanced diet does wonder on the inside and shows on the outside.
  3. Take it Easy: Take a break from the blow dryer, straightener and curling iron and embrace your summer fro like I do! All your beauty tools are great for styling but they can do a lot of damage on your hair like breakage and dryness. Plus, who likes sweating while getting ready from outside heat paired with a blow dryer in your face? Not me. Fall in love with casual braids and ponytails this summer.
  4. Protect you Locks: On days you plan on sunbathing or being outdoors for hours give your hair a barrier from the sun by slicking back your dry hair with conditioner. This will help protect your mane from sunlight, salty beach water or the chlorine filled pool. Natural neem hair oil also helps protect because water and oil don’t mix so it is an additional obstacle from chemicals and salt water. Think of it like sunscreen for your hair.

I’ve always wanted long, beautiful locks like Lauren Conrad. In fact, I took a picture of her into my hair stylist one year and she warned me that “I wasn’t going to morph into her if I had her hair cut.” But how can that be???  Devastating to say the least. Clearly she cares for her hair to have it looking that good. And I am sure having a celebrity stylist helps…but the truth is if you want beautiful summer hair, your hair needs the same attention you give to the rest of your healthy lifestyle.

Have you started your summer hair routine? How do you keep your hair looking fit and fabulous? Share your tricks!

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Beauty tools photo via

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  1. If all else fails wear a hat! I have a rare form of alopecia which means my hair is slowly falling out…forever. So, I live vicariously through my friends who have beautiful hair, friends like you. When you are feeling really low, just say to yourself “I am so glad I have hair!” Since I still have hair I say that every day.It makes me feel really good. Try it and see if it doesn’t make you feel good about your bad hair days too.

  2. Oh man thank you for this. My hair is going to need some major love in a few weeks. I’ve been having to totally rat it out for this role in a play I’m doing which looks cool for the role but the rest of the time my hair is looking pretty gnarly…

  3. When you are feeling really low, just say to yourself “I am so glad I have hair!” Since I still have hair I say that every day.It makes me feel really good. Try it and see if it doesn’t make you feel good about your bad hair days too.


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