Man vs. Cheetah: Skechers Super Bowl 2013 Commercial

Sketchers GOrun 2 Supe Bowl 2013 Commercial

Every year you can expect the Super Bowl commercials to focus on flashy cars, packaged snacks, soda and beer…lots of beer. While some of the commercials end up being humorous or fascinating, at the end of the day what is always lacking are advertisements on health and wellness.

This is something that always confuses us because football is, after all, a physical activity. And, with so many eyeballs focusing on the big game we think breaking up the junk food-athon with a few commercials on living a healthy life isn’t too much to ask. As long as the health ad included dramatic music, cute animals, famous people or a surprise ending, the expensive ad will catch the attention of its viewers which is exactly what Skechers did.

Amongst all the Super Bowl hoopla (black outs and Beyonce!) Skechers was the only fitness related advertisement to make its debut. Apparently if you wear Skechers new GORun shoes, you can outrace the animal kingdom’s fastest runner. Envision man racing cheetah, man tackling cheetah, grateful antelope winking. The commercial is a bit Planet Earth meets shoe store, but we are so glad that something about running was mentioned—even if it was only for 30 seconds of air time.

Skechers GORun shoes are designed to give you a more natural running experience. It doesn’t get much more natural than running with the wild. If you are interested in winking animals and increasing your running speed take a look at Skechers GORun Super Bowl commercial:

What did you think of the Super Bowl? Are you glad that Skechers had a fitness related commercial during the game?

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  1. […] Man vs. Cheetah: Sketchers Super Bowl 2013 Commercial (via Bite Size Wellness) Can you believe this was the only fitness-related ad to air last night? You would think that at least a couple of commercials during a football game might be focused on athleticism, but hey. I’m no ad exec. See the commercial (slightly over-dramatic though it may be) at Bite Size Wellness. […]


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