Link Love: Park Reading for the Weekend


Luckily Friday is ending on a sunny note here in the city that never sleeps. Pull these links up and read ’em while you lounge out in the park, mmmk?

Fitnessy Reads

When it comes to a workout schedule a lot of people go all or nothing, but taking a day to recovery is an important part of your fitness regimen. Here are 3 reasons you should schedule a rest day.  (via FitSugar)

Beauty-Full Advice

Hats off to Lindsay in this beautiful post about making strength BEAUTIFUL. Truly obsessed.  (via Lean Green Been Blog)

Work, Life and Stuff

Finally, the Great Gatsby is coming out! Here are 5 very good reasons why you need to see the newest Leo flick. (via Fitness Magazine)

Don’t MIND if We Do

After Abercrombie’s CEO made a public statement that he had no interest in marketing his children to plus-size (ie normal size) woman, we  gave a loud sigh of disgust. Read this article from Greatist on how to bust a bad body image even through the media’s hoopla(via Greatist)

Eat Me

In recent days we have taken on a love for macarons. Not surprisingly these cashew dulce de leche french macarons are deliciously appealing. (via Cafe Johnsonia)

Blog in the Limelight

We are always on the hunt for fun ways to get fit. Check out Kate’s list of 7 exciting fitness activities to try this summer–some we had never heard of before! (via Kate Moving Forward)

Selfish Shout Out

We don’t to get to be in the same state as our mom for Mother’s Day this year, but if you are then celebrate by dining on one of our very special brunch recipes.  (via Bite Size Wellness)

What did we miss? Share your favorite links from this week below!



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