Daily Bite [Watch]: Everything You Need to Know About Sunscreen

DB Watch Sunscreen Feature

If you’re like me, then throughout the summer you’re probably accustomed to being constantly bombarded by friends, family, health experts, and beauty buffs alike about the importance of slathering on sunscreen before heading out into the rays. But did you know that you could be at risk of exposure even if you’re sitting indoors? Did you also know that while you think you may have gotten away without any permanent damage from earlier exposures, it could take 20-30 years for visible signs of sun damage to appear on your skin?

Well, after delivering all of that bad news I guess it’s about time I shared something a little more positive with you – how about a video?

This amazing little video from YouTube Beauty Guru Michelle Phan is both fun and extremely informative. In it, she breaks down all of the different elements of sunscreen, including what different types there are, and what all those pesky abbreviations like SPF, UVA, UVB, and PA+ all mean. After watching this video, I think I can safely say that I will no longer fear be confused by the sunscreen aisle in the drugstore the next time

So how can you ensure that you can enjoy the benefits of the sun without falling victim to its dangers? Here are a few simple tips to help keep you sun damage-free from head to toe:

  • Switch to a daily moisturizer that has an SPF of at least 15 – I have been using this Dr. Jart+ Premium Beauty Balm on my face daily for about a year now and I absolutely love it. It’s moisturizing, has an SPF of 45, and as an added bonus is tinted so I don’t need to use any extra makeup, which is especially nice in the summer heat. For the rest of your body, check out Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion with Broad Spectrum SPF 15 – it’s not greasy, has an SPF of 15, contains natural oatmeal, and is available in most drugstores. 
  • Wear a hat – Whether you choose a baseball cap or a big floppy sunhat, keeping your face, neck, and other areas out of direct sunlight is a surefire way of avoiding damaging UV rays. Find the perfect style that fits both your face and your outfit!
  • Get checked – Make sure you see a doctor, dermatologist, or other skin specialist on a regular basis, especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun or have a family history of skin cancer. Early detection is the best way to make sure whatever skin problems you may have don’t develop into an even bigger health issue.

How do you keep yourself protected from the sun?

Feature image: Robert S. Donovan via photopin cc



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