4 Tips to Spring-ify your Beauty Routine

4 Ways to Spring-ify your Beauty Routine

Dreary weather and dull complexion be gone! We are ready to shed our drab winter garb for a fresh spring look—in the closet and our beauty routine. Out with the dark colors, heavy winter skin protectants and chapped lips.

Try these seasonal swaps for your spring-focused beauty routine:

1. Spring Clean your Face Routine

Your mind is chirping with praises for spring, but your dry skin is likely aching from winter blues. Give yourself a magical facelift by using a cleaner or moisturizer containing alpha-hydroxy or beta-hydroxy acid to rid your pretty face of those dead skin cells that are giving you a dull look.

2. Moisturize those Neglected Areas

You have hid in winter boots and sweaters for several months which likely means you have neglected to moisturize those out-of-site places. Give your knees, elbows, heels and toes some much-deserved attention by upping your use of petroleum jelly. It can work wonders on the roughest and toughest areas and bring your dry skin patches back to life.

3. Indulge in a Full-Body Scrub

Loosen and remove all the dead skin cells that have been clinging on for life during the cold weather. You can run to your kitchen cabinet for your exfoliation routine. Gently rub your body down with brown sugar and rinse off in the shower. In a few days you will be as good as new!

4. Bring Color Back

Just like the grocery store produce aisle, colors are in. Don’t be scared to match your eye shadow to your floral dress or give your nails a pop with corals, aquas and blues. Add bright hues back into your makeup routine and your mood will quickly follow.

How do you give your spring beauty routine an overhaul? Share your tips below!

photo credit: chantel beam photography via photopin cc


  1. Living in LA I don’t have as extreme changes as when I was in St. Louis and Chicago, but I usually use lighter moisturizer and more sunscreen once it gets really warms and I’m outside in the sun more.


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