Another month down. When did that happen?
I have to say I am really looking forward to some cooler weather so I am not that disappointed to put the hottest months behind me! After I drink some of these healthy summer spritzers I can kiss summer buh-bye.
Plus, the first of September means that it is time to share our first round of food pairing bliss for the #PairYourEats challenge I have been yapping about in every Weekly Bite post. I am super excited to see what magical bites (or failures) you came up with. See the first posting here.

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Bite Size Wellness"><img src="" alt="Bite Size Wellness" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
The long weekend is within a few hours reach. Since none of us are “working” any more, use those last bit of time that you are stuck at your desk to peruse over these Breakout Bites of the Week:
Healthy Living Freed Me | Journey of a Dreamer
I am basically obsessed with Courtney’s post on what her healthy lifestyle has freed her from. Reading about others healthy lifestyle changes is super inspiring, but what I love about this article in particular is that Courtney’s mindset changed from getting skinny to getting healthy. This is a mental switch that many people on a weight loss journey struggle to get to. And the best part is that she realized that living a healthy lifestyle freed her of a life of self-sabotage. You go girl!
Exercising While Watching TV | Coffee, Cake and Cardio
My girl Ashley and I love our TV. I was so excited when I found out she watched the (not so popular show) the Next Food Network Star. Go Team Alton! Luckily Ashley made her TV show habits an opportunity for healthy activities. Her evening TV watching is a chance to unwind and have some “me time” which many of us neglect giving ourselves. And, Ashley was able to kill two birds with one stone by scheduling time at the gym around some of her prime time favorites. You can also create a plan that connects your show with an exercise. Ashley shared a great 30-minute workout for all of those Modern Family fans.
Banana Pudding Cookies | Two Peas & Their Pod
Banana pudding and vanilla wafers was a favorite childhood treat so when I saw this recipe for banana pudding cookies from the Maria and Josh duo I immediately pinned and vowed to make them….for memories sake. Such a great idea!
Run your OWN Race | Average Moms Wear Capes
When we get on a fitness kick (or are just enjoying our lifestyle that includes fitness) it can be easy to set goals by distance, speed or even weight loss. But goals that aren’t necessarily physical are sometimes the best. Christie did a post on concentrating on putting a stop to comparing herself to others and instead putting the focus on running her own race. She shares her inner monologue on this and I am pretty sure I need to write it down and stick it on my mirror or something. Positive self-talk is so beneficial!
A Soundtrack to Calm | Run Principessa
I am a bit addicted to Norah Jones so a list of new songs to add to my Start Stretching playlist. My thoughts are that if you have a playlist for something you are more likely to commit to that activity. Agree? Thanks for the reminder to adding stretching to our fitness routine Amanda.
Do you have any plans for Labor Day? What were your favorite blog posts for the week?
Feature photo via
Thank you so much for featuring me!! The other posts are awesome too. I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and I’m honored to make it on the weekly roundup!
You are so welcome! I loved that post and can really relate to the feelings you experienced in your journey. Thanks for reading BSW!