Do you want to rejuvenate your complexion and admire a fresh glowing skin using natural remedies? Are you interested in having fresh, glowing skin? If you have answered affirmatively to either one of these two questions, you should definitely keep on reading. Fruits are excellent natural remedies for beautiful skin and strawberries stand at the top of the list. These seasonal fruits are not only delicious to taste but they have a wide range of benefits to offer, with regard to the health of your skin. Keep on reading and discover the best tips to follow, when it comes to using strawberries for top-quality skin care.

1 Mix strawberries with honey and cream/yogurt for a hydrating face mask
Even if you have grown accustomed to using top moisturizers to keep your skin hydrated, this does not mean you cannot also resort to natural remedies. For example, you can prepare a hydrating face mask in the comfort of your own home, by mixing the strawberry puree with raw honey and cream or yogurt. The choice between cream and yogurt depends on your skin type – if you have dry skin, you should opt for cream, while yogurt remains a good choice for those with oily skin.
After you have transformed the strawberries into a puree, all you have to do is place it into a bowl. Add a little bit of fresh cream or plain yogurt, once again, in accordance with your skin type. Mix everything well and, last, add a tablespoon of raw honey. Apply the resulting mixture on your face and maintain the application for about ten minutes. When done, rinse it off with warm water. This mask has highly efficient hydrating properties and it can make the signs of aging less noticeable; so, you see, you just came across one of the best anti aging tips anyone could ever offer.

2 Mix strawberries with lime juice to brighten your skin
Often times, the reason why you appear older than you really are has to do with the prolonged exposure to the sun. This leads to an uneven complexion, with areas of hyperpigmentation, blemishes and dark spots. The good news is that you can genuinely improve the appearance of the skin, use strawberries. For fresh and glowing skin, you can make a face pack that has strawberries and lime as ingredients. And, best of all, this face pack is also great for those who have oily skin, reducing the production of excess sebum.
If you are interested in preparing this skin brightening face pack, make sure that you use fresh strawberries. These have the best properties to offer, especially when it comes to eliminating areas of hyperpigmentation and ensuring an even skin tone. Use a food processor to obtain the strawberry puree and then mix it with freshly-squeezed lime juice. Then, apply it on your face and maintain the application for 15 minutes. When done, rinse it off with warm water.
3 Cocoa powder comes to complete the beneficial properties of strawberries
As a result of the aging process, the texture of the skin can change and roughness becomes a common occurrence. In this situation, you will end up looking older than you really are. Once again, strawberries come to the rescue, especially when used in combination with other active ingredients, such as cocoa powder and raw honey.
So, if you want to have soft, glowing skin, this is what you need to do. First, use a blender or a food processor to make the strawberry puree. Then, mix it with one tablespoon of cocoa powder and one of raw honey. Once the mixture is even, apply it at the level of the face and maintain the application for 15 minutes. When done, rinse it off with warm water.
4 Scrub your face with fresh strawberries for a fresh look
If your skin seems dull and dry, you might want to consider using a natural exfoliator. Strawberries have those small seeds, which means that they are the perfect solution for exfoliating your skin. Moreover, they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients, being able to nourish the skin at the same time.
In order to benefit from the healthy, exfoliating properties of strawberries, all you need is to take a berry and rub it all over your face. You might not be aware of this for a fact but strawberries are rich in alpha hydroxyl acids, substances which are often added to cosmetic products, thanks to their excellent exfoliating properties. Allow the strawberry pulp to stay on your face for about a minute, then rinse it off with warm water.

5 You can reduce skin sagginess with strawberries
Sagginess is one of the most unfortunate consequences of aging, being connected to the reduced production of collagen. In turn, this has a negative impact on the structural matrix of the skin, causing you to look older. You can counteract all of these problems by opting for an anti-sagginess mask that has strawberries as star ingredients. Keep in mind that strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which is actually an antioxidant and, thus, capable of fighting the damage done by free radicals and reducing skin sagginess.
In order to add firmness to your skin and make it smooth once more, all you have to do is transform your strawberries into a puree and then mix them with milk and honey. Apply the resulting mixture at the level of your face and maintain the application for about 10 minutes. You can also extend the application the neck area. When done, rinse it off with warm water.
These are some of the best tips to follow when it comes to using strawberries for a fresh and glowing skin. As you have seen, strawberries have a lot of benefits to offer in terms of skin health, so it would be a shame not to give them a try. Plus, as natural remedies, you do not have to worry about side-effects or additional problems.