Healthy Hair: 3 Remedies for Split Ends

3 Remedies for Split Ends

In the beauty world split ends are as bad as a hangnail or acne.

The tips of your hair are especially vulnerable to dry weather conditions, hot temperatures of styling tools or bad product. And when they aren’t looking good your hair ages significantly and ultimately gets stressed. Split ends signify that you hair is lacking the nourishment it needs. Not pretty, not healthy.

Here are our tips to get rid of those frizzy looking split ends and keep your locks as healthy as they can be.

1. Combat Split Ends with a Trim

If left unattended, split ends will continue to split. Make a visit to your hair stylist to get rid of the dry and weak parts of your locks. A trim every 6 to 8 weeks promotes growth so your hair will look fuller and healthier.

2. End Split Ends with the Right Tools

Letting your hair air dry is one way to prevent split ends from occurring as frequently, but if you are a hair tool junkie make sure you splurge on high-quality products. Cheap combs or brushes with metal bristles do more harm than good. Use brushes with natural bristles and put a heat resistant serum on your hair before you lay on the heat. This will minimize the damage that heat can cause on wet hair. And, if you can stand it, try using flat irons and curlers every couple of days instead of daily.

3. Apply a Homemade Split End Concoction to your Locks

A little extra hair love will work wonders. Try this avocado and olive oil mix from Free People to moisturize your damaged tips (and give your hair a healthy shine). All you need is a pitted and skinned avocado, 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of egg whites. Mix up the green goodness and lather it onto your locks. Read the full recipe here.

Do you have any remedies for dreaded split ends? Share them in the comment section below.

photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography via photopin cc


  1. Hmm, next time I land an avocado in my CSA delivery now I know what to do with it! As opposed to giving it away which is normally what happens since I hate the taste…


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