Get Centered with these 5 Balancing Tips

5 Balancing Tips to Get Centered Again

Everyone knows what it feels like to be a little off center—mentally or physically. When life gets so overwhelming that you feel like a feather may push you all the way over because you are so far sideways, don’t let yourself hit the ground.

You can regain your center after an overwhelming week, an emotional breakdown or a physically exhausting workout without calling it quits with this wellness tools.

1. Try the Three-Count Breath

Have you ever been in a yoga classes that starts your practice with several deep breaths in and out? The relaxing action restores and grounds you. The process of holding in for three counts and exhaling for three counts can help you off the mat too—in less than a minute.

2. Pick Balancing Foods

In times of stress don’t go for the mac ‘n cheese. You can relieve stress without stress eating by stuffing your face with super foods that will put you at ease. Sip green tea, dive into the peanut butter and go crazy with the spinach. These balancing eats will naturally bring you back to your center with no guilt eating in site.

3. Latch onto an a Healthy Mantra

A simple, positive phrase can be an effective calming tool. Try to have a mantra or two that you can repeat in stressful moments such as “I can get through this” or “I know I can get this done.” The reassuring phrase can he5 Ballp you focus and ignite you. Find a phrase that works for you. Need help? Every day we share a healthy mantra on our Facebook page.

4. Burn of Steam with Physical Activity

A workout can work wonders on getting you back to your center. Even in your busiest moments, getting your exercise in will do you more good than sitting at your desk getting nothing accomplished. You will feel more alert and it will boost your energy levels so you can accomplish your to-dos more efficiently.

5. Turn to Aromatherapy

The delicate smell of lavender, the calming scent of eucalyptus and the fresh burst of citrus is like magic for the mind. Use your nostrils to regulate your body and mind in one quick whiff. Aromatherapy is not a long lost art, but an easy way to plow through the rest of your day. Here are our top 5 scents.

What do you do when you are feeling pulled sideways? Tell us your tips to feeling centered again below.

photo credit: Sebastian Anthony via photopin cc


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