Fave Things Friday: Green Gear for St. Patrick’s Day

Green Gear for St. Patrick's Day

Of course you want to dress to the nines in your green garb for the undeniably green holiday. But we wanted to share some ways that you can embrace your green in a healthy and eco-friendly way.

Here are 3 ideas you can embody the Irish and St. Patty’s Day that you can use post-holiday:

Swiftly Tech Long Sleeve from Lululemon

Green Long Sleeve Tee Lululemon

Just say “no” to disposable party gear. Opt for green clothing that you can wear year round and even better for your future workouts. We have a shirt crush on the swiftly tech long sleeve from Lululemon. The lightweight base layer is fashionable enough to sport around on St. Patty’s Day and perfect for the cool weather. It has Silverescent fabric that has anti-odor properties so you can make it stink! And, yes, there are thumb holes. ($68)

Quenchers Sports Water Bottle from Splendids

Green Water Bottle

There is only so much green beer that one can consume on St. Patrick’s Day, but you can keep your beverage looking festive with this green water bottle. The BPS-free 24 ounce water bottle has a protective push button that will keep your lid locked. This spill-proof design is perfect for an active party. Plus, carrying it around is also a good reminder to drink your H2O. ($20)

 Recycled Beach Glass Necklace from Etsy

Recycled Green Bead Necklace

Green definitely takes center stage on March 17th, but the color of St. Patty’s Day can also represent eco-living. We absolutely love this vintage recycled green glass beads necklace. It is classic and minimal making it the perfect accessory for the green holiday. And, you can feel good that you put some thought into the environment instead of only what green food you will be eating next. ($20)

How will you be sporting the green on Sunday? What do you love about St. Patrick’s Day?

photo credit: JD Hancock via photopin cc


  1. Hehe, this post is reminding me I need new a new water bottle…I might be wearing green, but mostly I embrace the day as a good one to enjoy some Bailey’s!

    • Hi Rowan! Happy to share such a beautiful piece. When the article was published there was a direct link to your Etsy shop. The red URL that says “Recycled Beach Glass Necklace” links directly to your shop. 🙂 Thanks for reading BSW!


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