Daily Bite [Say]: Relax Your Mind and Find the Answer

On-the-Go Relaxation Techniques

Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. – William S. Burroughs

If you are anything like us, you may have forgotten how to relax altogether. Our hectic lifestyles leave very little room for deserved R & R. Although a small amount of stress is good for you—it can sharpen your mind and your senses—but you want to do your best to restore balance in your life by scheduling in time to relax. Doing so may answer some of those burning questions in your head.

We like William S. Burroughs approach to encouraging time to relax: it can enhance your problem-solving skills. Your taut mind muscles can quickly unravel into the answer you’ve been waiting for if you give them the chance.

Your Mind Will Answer Most Questions If You Learn To Relax And Wait For The Answer

You can start to unwind your mind (and body) with a soothing bath or a contemplative walk, but here are 3 other on-the-go relaxation techniques we encourage you to try:

1. Picture yourself Relaxed

Feel like your mind is in knots from a long or challenging day? Ease your stressed mind through peaceful visualization. The idea is to take your mind away from the present stress and replace it with something more dreamy.

2. Show love for Others

Cuddling with your pup or holding hands with your spouse can induce relaxation. Reduce your stress hormones by being lovey-dovey!

3. Take a Music Break

When things get rough, turn on Pandora. A musical break can calm your heartbeat and therefore calm your mind.

We are feeling more mindful already!

What do you think of Burroughs quote? How do you ease your mind?

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