Every once and awhile we need to take a break from chit-chatting about health and share one of our other loves: cats.
Cat videos, specifically.
Our felines friends are so very google-able and, in our opinion, the comedians of the animal kingdom. They don’t care about anyone but themselves, frolic around doing what they want when they want to, and our oddly photogenic when being especially weird.
Admittedly, we make a lot of assumptions about what our furry companion is thinking from day to day. But if we were to catalog the random, hysterical thoughts of our purring pet we think this Sad Cat Diary would sum it up.
In this extremely funny video, YouTube star Ze Frank makes a video being the voice of a miserable cat speaking about their lack of food, preferred petting methods and protest vomits.
We promise you will be making the laughing-so-hard-you-cry face (especially if you are a cat owner):
How much do you love this video? Do you have any funny cat stories for us?
Ha! I am a cat person through and through. My friend recently gave me “How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You” by the Oatmeal. Hilarrrrrrious!
OMG! I am not much of a cat person, but these sad and angry cat pictures and videos are just hysterical!
Ha! I am a cat person through and through. My friend recently gave me “How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You” by the Oatmeal. Hilarrrrrrious!