7 Deadly Health Sins

It’s almost Halloween so it seems completely appropriate to talk about frighteningly common health mistakes. Are you scared? You are probably committing at least one of these 7 deadly health sins!

Many of us have gotten into the habit of eating too much, exercising too little and blaming others for our “problems.” When it comes to your health, the biggest sin is being your own worst enemy.

Lust: Don’t Fall in Love with Gimmicks

From diet fads to “fix your life in one simple step” tools, you could spend an eternity trying the latest quick fixes for short term happiness and health by being too quick to fall in love. Invest your time, energy and money in the long haul and stop getting distracted by the too-good-to-be-true gimmicks.

Gluttony: Indulge, Just Don’t Over Do it

Everything in moderation in the kitchen and beyond. Stop feeling guilty when you can’t do it all or when you overdo it on the chips at a football party. When you notice you are over gorging take a breather and reassess the situation. Then do something about it that isn’t complaining—because we all are gluttonous of that!

Greed: Life is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Looking for too much too fast is never a good thing. This is true when it comes to weight loss, work promotions or your love life. Give each aspect of your life full support and it will be more valuable. And celebrate the small accomplishments will ya! These add up to huge successes down the road.

Sloth: Couch Potatoes Wake Up!

Don’t even think about entertaining your lazy side. The couch doesn’t like you that much, seriously. A sedentary lifestyle is the most common risk factor for heart disease, stroke and more. Your body was made to move, so move it.

Wrath: Keep Negativity Away and Cut the Blame Game

Leave the pointing fingers to the Real Housewives. If you aren’t where you want to be the first place you need to look is in the mirror. Being cranky and complaining is an endless circle of negativity. Be responsible for how you treat yourself by finding a solution that doesn’t point fault at those around you.

Envy: Focus on Yourself, For Real

Eyeing up that magazine cover or rolling your eyes at the size of your friend’s pants won’t do any good. You are not a copy of other people. Health isn’t sold in the one size fits all bucket. By all means, take advice from other like-minded people but adjust accordingly so these tips fit your lifestyle.

Pride: Let Go of Bad Habits…Especially those that Aren’t Working

Stop repeating unsuccessful patterns that are bad for you. If something you committed to isn’t working then cut the cord and try something new! Implementing new, healthy habits into your life will be uncomfortable at first but you’ll get way more out of what you want from life once you do.

Do you commit any of these deadly health sins? What advice do you have for removing these sins from your life?


  1. Ha! The sloths are hilarious.
    I also like the point about envy. I am someone who always says I am great full for my life because it is mine. My own unique experience that nobody else gets to have and while sometimes it sucks, it is still special because it is different.
    Not sure if that makes sense…


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