Cure your Headache with Yoga

Yoga is often known for getting you into a zen place and bending you a million different directions but yoga has another added benefit for the migraine prone. Before you head to the medicine cabinet try getting headache free on your yoga mat.

Stretch away your head tension with these 5 poses:

1. Quarter Dog


This variation of downward-facing dog allows you to rest on your forearms. Allowing the blood to go to your head can relieve you headache, so be sure to let your head hang in a downward position bewtween your upper arms.

2. Seated Neck Release


Your head may be aching because you have neck pain. A seated neck release can help loosen that area and alleviate the tension in your head.

3. Happy Baby


This pose is one of my favorites and truly causes a state of bliss. It is also good if your headache is caused by back pain that is moving up your spine. Lull your mind to a pressure-free state as you slocly rock from side to side stretching out your hips and lower back.

4. Reclining Cobbler

reclining cobbler

When you have two much energy in your head the best thing to do is get grounded. If you have a real pounder reconnecting with the earth can calm your mind, relieve tension in your face, neck, back and hips. The unwanted noise will leave your head.

5. Yoga Healing Yawn

A healing yawn is great for migraine relief. The healing yawn relieves the pressure on your blood vessels and can relieve any migraine tension you have. Get yawning!

Have you ever used yoga to relieve your headaches? What other natural headache remedies do you know of?

Photo 1 via
Photo 2 & 3 via
Photo 4 via


  1. I don’t get headaches very often, but a great way to get rid of them is to hop under the covers with your honey! Endorphins and lots of other feel good/relaxation hormones always work for me!
    Instead of ‘not tonight honey, I have a headache’, it’s ‘honey, help me get rid of my headache, please!’

  2. I haven’t used yoga to get rid of a headache, but it has helped me to get rid of back pain. I think it could definitely help prevent a headache as it helps relieve tension before you have the headache. I will have to give it a try to treat a headache–thanks for the idea!

  3. Thank you for sharing these specific poses for headaches! It cured my back (even though I had already had surgery to alleviate the pain and purchased a new mattress, both to no avail) and think hot yoga in particular is better than a massage any day.

    • My husband worked in physical therapy and always supported my yoga habits to alleviate pain before doing surgeries and such. Glad you believe in the power of you mat!

  4. It is amazing what some intense stretching and total relaxation can do for your bod. So many headaches are stress related and I can’t think of anything that relieves stress more than Yoga.

    Of course, I like Tamara’s suggestion better!

  5. […] Yoga offers many health benefits such as improving posture and strength, promoting weight loss, and helping to lower blood pressure. But did you know it can also help reduce as well as get rid of migraine pain? Check out the following in-depth article for explanations and visuals about the five yoga poses that can help soothe your troubled head. Read more: Cure Your Headache with Yoga […]


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