Workout Wednesday: Fitness Inspiration for the Week

Way to go! You made it to Wednesday. These days, making it to Hump Day and keeping all of your hair in signifies an accomplishment. Even better if you squeezed in a few sweat sessions!

We want to highlight a few articles that inspired us to fit in our fitness this week:

Miss Zippy reminds us not to give up on your running/racing goals because of the 10-Year Rule. And suddenly the treadmill didn’t seem so bad.

The lovely Spiffy Kerms shared the news that she hit the two-year mark with CrossFit. Think back to how long you have been doing a certain fitness-related activity…it is so great to reminisce!

Kate Moving Forward solved one of our all-time most annoying gym issues: dealing with our hair during a sweat session. Although we have to say, every pony, braid, accessory-stylin’ hair-do Kate does looks way more fab on her than we think we could pull off…but if you need ideas, here they are!

Do you feel like you are in a workout rut? Check out Shape’s fitness test so you can measure your progress. The fit tests are quick and a great way to represent where you are at and where you want to be.

And without further ado, we found a leg-burner exercise that we just had to share via From Florida to North Dakota.

Strong Legs Workout

Anyone inspire your fitness routine this week? Tell us who below!



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