Spread the Wellness: Meet Run to the Finish

Spread the Wellness - Run to the Finish

The dedicated wellness blogger Amanda from Run to the Finish is who we are spotlighting in today’s Spread the Wellness series. One of the reasons we connected with Amanda is because she wasn’t always a super fit, marathon runner who led a healthy lifestyle from day one. She went on a journey like many of us do to get to where she is now. Lucky for us, she wrote it all down so we can learn from her!

Even though Amanda’s site is packed to the brim with running experiences and tips, that isn’t all her blog is about. She shares lots of healthy recipes, advice on being at your best mentally AND physically and great tips on staying accountable to your healthy lifestyle. And something we love most of all, is the healthy living challenges that Amanda hosts.  She truly brings a community of people together when she runs them. Some to note from her 30-day challenges: Food Journal Challenge, Vegan Challenge, Green Smoothie Challenge, Ab Challenge…and on and on. Each one is unique and will inevitable teaching you something about healthy living.

Amanda Run to the Finish

Clearly, we have a lot of love for the Run to the Finish lady. Learn a bit more about her below:

Underrated running destination and why: Neighborhoods! I love seeing people’s houses and wondering who lives there, what their story is and well in some cases how can I become their friend?!

Any tips for a solo runner? Solo running is the perfect time to mull over things and come up with creative solutions, it’s also a great time to visualize and focus on what you want! We often meant to do these things but get too busy in the rest of our day.

Name a fitness item you cannot live without: Running shoes.

Proudest healthy living moment: Hitting a new half marathon PR after being sick for a few years, it was a sign that I’m willing to do what it takes to get better and stronger.

What song gets you pumped up to start your workout? Hmm right now I am loving Two Black Cadillacs from Carrie Underwood…her and Kelly Clarkson are my embarrassing pop star favorites considering I never watched American Idol.

Best healthy meal you have ever made? My hearty vegetable chili–without a doubt.

If you have any questions for Amanda leave them in the comment section below. You can connect with her on Twitter and Facebook too!

So glad we were able to spotlight you Amanda! Thank you!



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