Music Monday: The Lumineers Bosu-Ball Workout to Ho Hey

Ho. Hey. Don’t you just want to go around chanting that?

The simple sounding Lumineers are turning heads left and right. In fact, the Denver-based folk trio is a front-runner on our playlist. They are just so…soothing and yet full of spunk. The song starts out slow and picks up quickly and we can’t get enough of the vocals that switch from calming and slow to upbeat and buoyant. Very refreshing to listen to amongst the club beats that normally fill a workout playlist.

But what we love most of all is the musical simplicity. The wispy and organic feel of Ho Hey lets us focus on the moves our body is making so we can grow stronger with our alternative-rock backbone.

Bring out the Bosu.

The Beat:

The Workout:

The Lumineers Ho Hey Bosu-Ball Workout

Are you in love with The Lumineers? Do you have any Bosu-Ball moves we should know about?

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