Bytes for Breakfast: Warm Up with Happy Memories + S’more Popovers

Thinking happy thoughts may not make you fly, but it definitely has its perks.

If you are feeling cold on a wintry night remembering the happy memories of your past is an effective way to physically warm you up. A new study by the Sun Yat-Sen University in China put groups of people into 3 rooms at different temperatures and recorded how nostalgic feelings impacted their body temperature.

So what kind of sentimental memories have warming power? Those when the most senses were engaged boost your cold tolerance. Music and smells are strong triggers for happy times. If you are still have a case of the chills even when you are in your warmest garb, cozy up with some photos and a loaded playlist to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside and out.

Happy memories can keep us warm but nostalgic thinking has a myriad of benefits on our mental and physical health too. Stimulating your mind can fight of loneliness, make you feel more socially connected, more resilient to stressful situations and lead to a healthier lifestyle. So beat the blues with happy memories!

See more on the study from GeoBeats:

Study: Nostalgia Helps Keep People Warm



When the good memories fail you, nothing warms you up more than making s’mores by the fire. And if you are fireless you can still experience the warming sensation with the best breakfast ever: S’more popovers from the kitchen at Babble.

 Smore Popovers

Click on the recipe for full instructions.

Do you believe that nostalgic thought can warm you up? What is your favorite winter warming eat?

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