Bytes for Breakfast: Ban of Sugary Drinks + Breakfast Cupcake

The talk of Mayor Bloomberg’s ban of sugary drinks over 16-ounces has been in the works for months and yesterday the New York City Board of Health officially passed the rule. So New Yorkers can kiss their big sodas goodbye! The ban will place a limit on 16-ounce bottles or cups of sugary sodas or other non-diet sweetened beverages beginning March of 2013 so that restaurants, fast food chains, movie theaters and other eateries have time to adjust their menu.

Bloomberg says that this is an attempt to combat the obesity epidemic and my bet is that this ban will start popping up in other cities across the country as a way to control the health crisis. My opinion: I would never drink a 16-ounce soda any way so the new rule doesn’t directly impact me, but I don’t think the government should be telling us what to drink. The next thing you know there will be rules on Big Mac’s, boxes of a dozen donuts and super-sized bags of chips all while leaving cigarettes untouched. We are smart enough to make our own choices and decisions about what to eat and drink and don’t need a policy in place for that.

Bloomberg on Ban of Sugary Drinks Over 16 Ounces


Just because I am feeling like a rebel let’s have an extra sweet bite for breakfast today. Loving these kiwi and blackberry breakfast cupcakes from Joseph’s Grainery. Granted, the sugary flavor is coming from a fruity punch, but still…in your face Bloomberg! I’ll eat cupcakes for breakfast if I want to!

kiwi blackberry breakfast cupcake

Click the photo for the recipe!

What do you think of the large soda ban? Will you be eating cupcakes for breakfast with me?


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