Back to Basics Boot Camp: Conquer the Plank

Want to know the secret to getting toned and trim? It’s actually quite simple: know the basics!

Whether you are a seasoned fitness veteran or you are just starting a workout plan, knowing a few basic fitness definitions, key moves and a breakdown to perfect form is the best way to put you on a path to health success. Learning these basics will help you become a more knowledgeable fitness enthusiast and help you decide whether or not to include certain moves or concepts into your gym routine.

Think of it as a little fitness 101, if you will. Even long-term exercisers skip a beat on some basics gym moves so a refresher is always needed. In no time the personal trainers at your gym will be complimenting your form, fitness knowledge and coming to you for tips!

You will be a fitness master in the making with these Back to Basics Boot Camp sessions.

Oh the plank…a move you love to hate on.

Sit-ups and crunches are known for strengthening your core, but they play second fiddle to the plank. Beyond gaining those 6-pack abs, the plank works several muscles at once and having a strong core can improve your balance and keep your body aligned.

Primary muscles engaged:

  • Abdominals
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Arms
  • Glutes
  • Quads

Include the plank as part of your strength-training move two to four times per week on non-consecutive days to reap the benefits. You can strengthen your core by practicing the plank, but for best results it is essential for you to have proper form. Here is a quick lesson on plank body placement from Modern Mom with a few variations for when your conquered the basic plank!


Here are some tips on perfecting your plank with a ton of more challenging variations for when you are a plank pro!

Do you plank? What is your favorite variation?



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