Infographic: Wash your Hands for Sick Season

Before we get into how we all need to wash our hands more frequently (especially this time of year), I want to congratulate the winner of the goVida Foods giveaway. Renata you won! Send me an email through the contact page with your address so we can get your snack pack sent your way.

Everyone around you have a serious case of the sniffles?

Your go-to over the counter protection should be to wash your hands…A LOT! Frequent hand washing is one of the best ways to avoid sickness and prevent spreading illness to your family, friends and co-workers. But the fact is, we know this and still neglect the hot water and soap!

Although it seems impossible to stop accumulating germs, you can stop the cycle of spreading them to your eyes, mouth, keyboard and so on with a good hand washing. This infographic gives you all the facts on hand washing so you have no excuses to not wash. Even as adults we need a little nudge to keep it clean for our health and the health of others.

Start singing the birthday song in your head now…

hand washing infographic

How often do you wash your hands? Learn any fun facts on germs from this hand washing infographic?


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