5 Recipes for National Vegetarian Awareness Week

The second week of September is National Vegetarian Awareness Week. With more and more restaurants, grocery stores and celebrities succeeding and supporting a plant-based diet, vegetarianism is easier to manage and a delicious alternative to your weekly menu board.

Going meat-free can be a difficult for anyone new to the meat-free meal way of thinking. But Vegetarian Awareness Week is the perfect opportunity to indulge in different meal options that are rich in new flavors, vegetables and colors.

Swapping out just one meal a week with a vegetable focused dish can provide the healthy benefits of increased dietary fiber, minerals and complex carbohydrates. Eating vegetarian once a week can hep lower cholesterol and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. Plus you and your veg can have a better relationship that doesn’t involve feeding scraps to the dog.

Think like a brontosaurus and try pleasing your palate with some new meat-free recipes for Vegetarian Awareness Week (click the photos for the recipes):

 Smoky Sweet Potato Burger from How Sweet Eats

sweet potato burger

 Gluten-Free Apple Pistachio Crisp from The Healthy Apple

Gluten Free Apple Pistachio Crisp

Balsamic Strawberry Lentil Salad from Cheap Recipe Blog

Balsamic Strawberry Lentil Salad Recipe

Baked Spaghetti Squash from Cooking with my Kid

baked spaghetti sqush

Quinoa Bites from Dinners, Dishes and Desserts

Quinoa Bites

What is your favorite meat-free dish? What vegetable is your favorite?


  1. Mmmmmmmm that spaghetti squash bake and Jessica’s burger look fantastic! They both look so hearty and the photography is beautiful 🙂 that’s a simple but good idea–swapping one meal/a few meals a week.

  2. A whole week just for us? Awesome. I make a mean spinach lasagna, also I love bean recipes in general. Yea, veg-week!Man but I’m exclamation point-y today. !.


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