3 Tips to Survive Spring Allergy Season

3 Tips to Survive Spring Allergy Season

Just when you think you can kick your groggy cold feeling from the winter weather to the dust, spring allergies emerge. The warm weather we have been craving brings more than a T-shirt temperature. It comes with weeds, grass and tree pollens that can really get on our nerves.

Spring allergies are like the common cold with symptoms that linger for months at a time. After just a couple of days of the annoying runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes and sleepy feeling, any sort of relief sounds like a blessing.

Unfortunately there is no one-size-fits-all approach to solving spring allergy problems. However, we have some tips that should help minimize your sniffles and sneezes.

1. Find your Enemy

Before you throw money down for any sort of potion that promises allergy relief, figure out what you are actually allergic to. You may be treating the wrong allergy symptoms or assuming you have seasonal allergies but you actually have symptoms year-round that are just accentuated in the spring. Find an allergist so you can treat the correct symptoms instead of feeling tortured for the next several months playing guessing games.

2. Stock Up your Grocery Cart with Allergy Relief Foods

Foods rich in vitamin C and folic acid help reduce inflammation that is associated with allergy symptoms. This means that some of our fridge foods are just as effective as the over-the-counter drugs that we turn to so often. Stock up on broccoli, kale, onions, garlic and parsley. And then make this anti-allergy soup.

3. Go on Allergy Alert in your Home

Take steps to get rid of the allergens that may be agitating you within your household. Outdoor irritants like pollen can follow you indoors so make sure you shower you and your furry friend after being outside. Also, keep the windows closed around midday when pollen is at its peak point. Wash your bedding in hot water every two weeks to combat any dust mites or pests. And, steer clear of synthetic fragrances like air fresheners or hair sprays. Here are more tips for conquering allergy season in your home.

Do you have spring allergies? What brings you the most relief?

photo credit: sciencesque via photopin cc


  1. Quercetin is my Go-TO Allergy remedy!!! It’s a NATURAL anti-histamine! I totally recommend it, you should look into it and write a post about it. I literally have not been sick in 2 years because of it! 🙂


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