3 Cheesy Tips for Cheese Pizza Day

Looks like cheese pizza is what’s for dinner.National Cheese Pizza Day is celebrated on September 5th although many pizza lovers can say that it is just another day. There is something so satisfying about the simplicity of a cheese pizza.

Pizza can turn into a nutritional nightmare with all that bread and cheese so keep it light with these 3 cheese pizza cooking tips that are worth their weight in dough:

1. Use Sliced Tomatoes as your Sauce: Tomatoes are loaded with vitamins A and C and the antioxidant lycopene. You’ll cut out the extra sodium and sugar of the jarred sauce and keep your pizza vibrant and fresh!

2. Experiment with Other Cheeses: There is more to pizza toppings than mozzarella! You need less cheese when they are strong in flavor like Swiss, feta or gorgonzola crumbles which still provide a cheesy punch without loads of extra calories. If you want to stick with mozzarella opt for the part-skim or another lower calorie option like ricotta. Use a blend of cheeses for Cheese Pizza Day.

3. Go Heavy on the Herbs: Oregano, red pepper, rosemary, dill, basil and pepper pair well on cheese pizza and add some zing to your pizza without loading on toppings that can go straight to your torso. My favorite is a dash of garlic, chives and pepper. Put that summer garden to good use.

Skip the pizzeria and make goat cheese the star of Cheese Pizza Day with this outrageously delicious Lemony Zucchini Goat Cheese Pizza from the pizza obsessed crew at Smitten Kitchen. The thin crust pizza is sauceless with a thin layer of cheese spread onto the crust. There is no doubt that the cheesy goodness below the zucchini is the star of this pizza tale.


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Do you love cheese pizza? What healthy pizza cooking tips do you have? 


  1. As a vegetarian, I gotta love the cheese pizza! I tend to be a pretty big mozzarella fan, and now I am fantasizing about upgrading that to a burratta…


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