Workout Wednesday: A Whole Lot of Running

Workout Wednesday- Running Inspiration

Being a member of the Fitfluential community is inspirational, to say the least.

In addition to being a wonderfully motivating group of health and wellness enthusiasts, Fitfluential ambassadors come up with out of this world amazing recipes, give their 2 cents on the ups and downs of living a healthy lifestyle and how they are getting their sweat on.

Since it is Workout Wednesday we wanted to highlight a few of the posts that encourage us to hit up the gym:

Jenn, the Comeback Momma, shared 5 effective treadmill workouts to help with weight loss. Even though we have referred to the treadmill as a dreadmill in the past we do know its benefits and variety is key!

Running with someone that is faster/stronger/better than you can cause a certain amount of fear. Will I be too slow? Can I keep up? What happens when I need to take a break? We absolutely LOVE Amanda’s post on her site Run to the Finish that talks about fearless running. Get brave. It will benefit you and your running partner.

The Veteran Runnah Harold talks about how sometimes you have to run slower to run faster. It seems like an oxymoron but you can improve your speed by taking your recovery runs down a notch and then pushing yourself to go faster on your faster runs. Try it!

In the spirit of all of this running talk we felt it was necessary to share a pinnable workout we saw this week from Fannetastic Food. We love a workout that provides a bit of a distraction from the sometimes mundane feeling of running. (Bonus: there is a lovely tuna pasta salad recipe in this post too!)

5 mile strength and run


Is running a part of your fitness routine? Share a running inspired exercise routine?

photo credit: darkmatter via photopin cc



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