Guest Post by Tamara Grand
For many people, the gym is a scary place. Full of strange looking equipment and uber-fit people who all appear to know exactly what they’re doing. ‘Gymtimidation’ is frequently the reason newcomers make a beeline for the comfort of the cardio machines. But getting in shape requires strength training as well. At some point, you’re going to have to get off the treadmill and make your way across the gym floor to the free weights section.
Still weary? Try these confidence-building suggestions:

- Make a plan. Know exactly what your workout will be before you get to the gym. There are lots of great, free workouts to be found in books, magazines and on the web like the exercise finder from Choose one and pack it in your gym bag to reference while you are at the gym.
- Practice at home. Even if you don’t have any equipment, you can still practice the exercises you’ll be doing long before you hit the gym by working on form. Often people are shy about exercising in public because they think they’ll look silly. Watch yourself in the mirror to convince yourself you don’t.
- Call or visit the gym in advance to find out the least busy time of day to train. Midday is a great time to workout for those who like to avoid the crowds.
- Take a friend with you. There is strength (and confidence!) in numbers. Having a workout buddy also increases the likelihood that you’ll stick with your program.
- Introduce yourself to the weight room attendant. In addition to providing you with information about the facility, having someone recognize you and greet you each time you workout will quickly make you feel welcome in your new environment.
Before long, the gym will be your ‘home away from home’ and others will be asking YOU for exercise advice!
Read more from FitKnitChick.
Have you ever been intimidated at the gym? What did you do to overcome your fear? Comment below and share your thoughts on Facebook!
Ha! I love this word! Gymtimidation!