Infographic: Walking the Holiday Calories Off

Infographic - Walking the Holiday Calories Off

How does walking a few football fields to burn off the turkey sandwich, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie sound?

That good, huh?

To put it into perspective, that cute little gingerbread cookie that called your name after you cleared you Thanksgiving plate will take 28 minutes to walk off an that precious glass of egg nog will have you hitting the trails for 95 minutes. Needless to say, an entire holiday feast from snacking to dinner and dessert can rack up some serious mileage.

While walking is probably the easiest activity to do to take a load off of your body post-Thanksgiving feast, it may not be what you want to do after overindulging on turkey and, uh, wine. If our tips on slimming down your eating this Thanksgiving weren’t enough to get you thinking about moderation then perhaps this infographic on the amount of minutes you will have to walk to burn off those holiday calories will get your attention.

Ready to see the steps you have to take for each delicious bite? Be warned!

Walking Away the Holiday Calories

Infographic via

Do you have any post-Thanksgiving activity traditions? Do you think you will say no to white chocolate mochas for the rest of the season?

photo credit: dlemieux via photopin cc



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