Happy St. Patty’s Day! After a never ending winter, let’s hope we can all gather on St. Patty’s Day in some sunshine to drink our beer and celebrate in our various cities. Until St. Patty’s Day though, BSW is urging everyone to prepare for the festivities with some of our favorite Irish movies and traditional Irish cuisine. Put on your kelly green and begin the celebrations early with this week’s Irish dinner and a movie!
Far and Away and Corned Beef and Cabbage (Via Food.Com)

The most traditional Irish meal of all time: corned beef and cabbage. It is a heavy one but it should leave you feeling full all night long. Prepare this corned beef and cabbage and enjoy it while watching the sentimental Far and Away (1992). This movie is Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise pre-divorce as an Irish couple in love who run away to America to make a new life. The movie follows the ups and downs of the couple. Plus, the accent never gets old.
Brave and Irish Soda Bread (Via KitchMe)

We are not embarrassed to admit that Brave (2012) is one of our favorite recent animated movies. Merida is all about female empowerment and the story is hilarious while teaching us a valuable lesson. For St. Patty’s Day, tag along on Merida’s adventure while trying out some increidbly delicious Irish soda bread. It is the perfect alternative to popcorn for a traditional Irish snack.
The Town and Irish Coffee (Via CHOW)

It wouldn’t be a St. Patrick’s Day without the tale of some second generation Irish American Boston boys who take pride in their roots. It may be a little darker than our previous movie selections, but The Town (2010) is a crime thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat all night. Watch this Irish-themed movie with some Irish coffee to ease your nerves during the intense scenes. P.S. if you have your doubts, maybe we can sway your opinion by adding that Ben Affleck plays the leading man…
There are tons of ways to celebrate St. Patrick but drinking does happen to be a favored option. Here are some healthier beer options to get you going. However, it does fall on a Monday this year. To keep it “demure” try these boozy fruit recipes. You’ll hardly feel like you’re derailing your whole week!
Happy St. Patty’s Day! How will you celebrate?
For more Dinner & Movie inspiration, check out our collection here.