Guest post by Kristen Boucher, RN
I don’t know about you, but I am L-O-V-I-N-G the fact that summer is almost officially here. While the longer and warmer days get a gold star in my playbook, the extra weeds popping up in my garden do not. Well, except one. The dandelion.
Dandelions are a powerful source of nutrients. Plus, they’re free, organic (provided you don’t use pesticides), and literally in your backyard. Before you mow the lawn and toss those beauties into your compost bin, here are 7 reasons WHY you should incorporate these seasonal gems into your diet.
1. Higher in calcium and iron than traditional (cultivated) greens: Check it. One cup of chopped dandelion greens has 103 kg (10% of the recommended daily value) of calcium, which is – wait for it – MORE than kale, the reigning champ in the nutritional powerhouse popularity contest! High in iron too ((1.7 mg in one cup).
2. Low cal: One cup contains a whopping 25 calories. You can burn that in the time it takes you to read this post.
3. Super duper detoxifying: Dandelion leaves are rich in vitamin A and have diuretic actions, while the roots appear to support and potentially clean out the liver. The bitter principles in both the leaves and roots have slight laxative, bile-stimulating and digestion-stimulating actions.

4. Antioxidant, vitamin, and mineral powerhouses: Dandelions are nature’s richest green vegetable source of beta-carotene, from which Vitamin A is created, and the third richest source of Vitamin A of all foods (cod liver oil and beef, taking 1st and 2nd). They also are rich in fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and the B vitamins, thiamine, and riboflavin.
5. High in protein?: Yes, cup for cup, dandelion greens are higher in protein than spinach. Take that, Popeye!
6. Blood sugar stabilizing: Coupled with its high fiber content, which is a known blood sugar stabilizer, dandelions also contain inulin, which converts to fructose in the stomach, which allows the liver to produce glycogen without insulin, facilitating a slower blood sugar rise.
7. Anti-inflammatory: Thanks to its high linoleic and linolenic acid content, two essential fatty acids, dandelions help to regulate the body’s immune response and suppress inflammation. Chronic inflammation is bad news. Read more here.
Now what? After picking and washing your bounty, for starters, the greens make a great addition to salad. Just be sure to combine with other mixed greens, as they are somewhat bitter. Dandelion greens (and stems) also make a great addition to smoothies, in place of any other green that you may toss in (kale, spinach, chard, etc.). This theory was tested, tasted, and loved in the test kitchen with success in this Berry Detoxifying Dandelion Green Smoothie. Super yum.
Read more from For the Love of Fiber.
Have you ever eaten a weed? Would you? Let us know below!
Feature photo courtesy of SummerTomato via Flickr (CC BY 3.0)
Photo 2 via
[…] first place, but I digress) or mow the lawn and send those gems into the compost pile, check out my guest post on Bite Size Wellness where I talk about WHY you should incorporate these seasonal gems into your diet and then come […]
[…] first place, but I digress) or mow the lawn and send those gems into the compost pile, check out my guest post on Bite Size Wellness where I talk about WHY you should incorporate these seasonal gems into your diet and then come […]
Wow these greens are almost a super food!! I would have never know. And to think…all I would have to do is go to my back yard! I’ll have to try in my morning smoothie! Can you cook these like spinach?
For reals, Jessica! 🙂 These babies are unsung heroes in the superfood realm. Yes, you can absolutely cook them like spinach, kale, chard, collards, etc. I like to saute mine in a bit of garlic & organic virgin coconut oil or REAL grass-fed butter (yes, butter – it’s so good for you!). Just beware the greens have a bite to them – very bitter, so perhaps a 50/50 mix would be good to get your palate adjusted. Thanks for the comment and enjoy your backyard bounty! 🙂
Great tips above and in the comments about mixing them with other greens if you’re not a bitter lover! I tend to avoid these at the market as I’m such a kale addict, but you’ve inspired me to open my mind (and mouth).
Sabrina, YES – I too, am a kale addict, but it’s definitely good to change our greens up once in while. In fact, did this at dinner with a 20/40/40 mix of dandelion greens/kale/chard sauteed in garlic and coco oil and not a lick of bitter was detected! YAY! 🙂
Great article & photo. We love our weeds, too! We pick nettles in our yard in the early spring when the leaves are fairly small. Must have long sleeves and gloves, though. The sting hurts!! Here’s a little guest post article with a nettle pesto recipe that I wrote at a friends website:
Frieda, GREAT article and recipe for nettles! That is news to me – I’ve never heard of them! Thanks for sharing that. 🙂
Whoaaa that’s crazy! I never even thought of trying dandelion greens. It’s pretty interesting especially considering the fact that they grow everywhere 😛 And I love anything that’s anti-inflammatory because I swell up easily with any random thing.
Ellie – yes, inflammation is bad news and so many people are affected. Fortunately, there are lots of anti-inflammatory foods that help to alleviate it naturally. 🙂
All those years as a child spent weeding the garden for my mom and I could have been detoxing and munching at the same time. Who knew? I’ll have to get me some weeds and make up for lost time:)
Ellen, seriously! If I had a nickel for every dandelion I picked and tossed as a kid at my parents insistence, I’d be writing this from my beach house in Maui. 🙂 Thanks for the comment!
Sabrina, I am with you. Just the idea of Dandelion greens makes me turn a little green. But I know that they are an incredible detoxifyer. Adding them to green tea can help mute the bitterness and gives you a lot of nutritional and detox bang for your buck.
We buy nettles for our daughters allergies, Frieda. They work great and I like that I am giving her something good for her that works for her instead of medications like Claritin. I appreciate the pesto recipe.
Great article Kristin.
Thank you, Jana and GREAT tip to reduce the bitter by seeping in green tea!
Jana, That’s super cool that you found a natural remedy for her allergies! Does she eat nettles year round or just for seasonal allergies?
I didn’t know they were anti-inflammatory!!!! GOOD to know!!! A lot of friends/family/clients of mine need foods that have anti-inflam proporties — i’ll be sure to suggest these along with the others!
Jenn – YES, inflammation is bad news and it’s always great to find natural sources to reduce that. So glad this was helpful for you – thanks for reading! 🙂
[…] just for the hell of it), and it’s pretty much a detox rock star. Why dandelion greens? Read my guest post on Bite Size […]
[…] just for the hell of it), and it’s pretty much a detox rock star. Why dandelion greens? Read my guest post on Bite Size […]
[…] Detoxing: Besides radishes, dandelion greens, and spirulina (the superstars I’ve crushed on in the past), beets aid in cleansing the blood and […]
Well, I use dandelion as a skin care product. There are so many natural recipes that can make your skin better!