A common misconception about core workouts is that they are synonymous with ab workouts. Core muscles can in fact, also refer to muscles in your back, hips, and obliques. The oblique muscle group is comprised of the abdominal external oblique muscle and the abdominal internal oblique muscle. Together, they run up and down the sides of your body, adjacent to the abdominals and under the pectoral muscles. Functionally, the obliques are responsible for controlling proper breathing, and promote better posture and flexibility by supporting the spine and back.

Maintaining the health and strength of your oblique muscles is essential for staying healthy. Not to mention, working them out gets rid of the dreaded “muffin top” and emphasizes your waistline. Try this oblique workout from Back On Pointe and give your entire core the workout it deserves!

What’s your favorite oblique workout move?
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