Fitness Videos

Fitness Videos

VIDEO: Get Cocktail-Dress-Ready For the Holidays With This 10-Minute Workout

With all the treats and temptations around during the holidays, it's easy to pack on a few extra pounds - but remember, New Year's Eve parties are fast approaching too. Thanks...

VIDEO: Athletes’ brains reflect stages of degenerative disorder

The brains of some deceased athletes show 4 stages of a degenerative disorder that offer a glimpse into the potential long-term impact of brain injuries, U.S. researchers say Thanks for checking us out....

VIDEO: Lengthy aromatherapy may pose risks to heart

Scents at health spas contain aromatic essential oils for stress relief, but long-term exposure may have downsides, CBC's Kim Brunhuber explains Thanks for checking us out. Please take a look at the rest...

VIDEO: Patients needing long-term care clog hospitals

Hospital waits to get elderly Canadians into long-term-care facilities create a ripple effect of delays in the health-care system, two new reports show Thanks for checking us out. Please take a look at...

VIDEO: Grapefruit juice interaction with drugs can be deadly

CBC medical columnist Dr. Peter Lin talks about a Canadian study warning of the drugs that can cause serious side-effects when taken with grapefruit juice Thanks for checking us out. Please take a...

VIDEO: Active video games discouraged by child fitness experts

Active video games, or 'exergames,' offer little help to make kids more physically active, a new Canadian report advises. Thanks for checking us out. Please take a look at the rest of our...

VIDEO: How Katy Perry Makes Fitness Fun

Katy Perry jumps around a lot on stage, but her performance hardly compares to her fitness routine. The singer jump ropes to burn a ton of calories. Watch this video to find out how...

VIDEO: Rihanna’s Simple Fitness Plan

To burn fat and build muscle, Rihanna bikes for 30 to 40 minutes three to five times a week. Biking not only works the singer's calves, quads and glutes, but it also tones her...

VIDEO: Get Gwyneth Paltrow’s Great Butt and Legs

Everyone wants a great butt and legs like Gwyneth Paltrow's. Luckily, celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson has shared Paltrow's best fitness secrets. Watch this video for a workout that will sculpt and tone your butt...

VIDEO: Victoria’s Secret Workout: Butt Exercises With Trainer Justin Gelband

We've always been curious about how the Victoria's Secret Angels prep for their annual runway show. Thanks for checking us out. Please take a look at the rest of our videos and articles....

VIDEO: Boost Your Metabolism For the Holidays With This 10-Minute Pilates Workout

By adding light weights to traditional Pilates exercises you can increase your lean muscle mass while training your core. Thanks for checking us out. Please take a look at the rest of our...

VIDEO: Breast cancer risks on the job a ‘neglected area’

Some women working in industries such as automotive plastics and food canning may face a higher risk of breast cancer than those in other occupations, say Canadian researchers Thanks for checking us out....

VIDEO: Breast cancer risks on the job a ‘neglected area’

Women working in automotive plastics and food canning may face a higher risk of breast cancer than those in other occupations, say Canadian researchers who are trying to fill gaps in what they...

VIDEO: Canadian in ‘vegetative state’ communicates to scientists

The common wisdom is that people in a 'vegetative state' cannot be reached. Researchers at the University of Western Ontario, have shown otherwise in the case of Scott Routley. Medical textbooks will need...

VIDEO: What can medical students learn from art?

An exhibition at the Nova Scotia Art Gallery features work by the former artist-in-residence at the Dalhousie medical school, Robert Pope. The public gets to see what has been, up to now, a...

VIDEO: Exercising 10 minutes a day can boost life expectancy

Regular physical activity that can include brisk walking may increase life expectancy by nearly two years, say U.S. researchers Thanks for checking us out. Please take a look at the rest of our...

VIDEO: Adding Heat with Red Pepper

Red pepper can spice up your food and boost your metabolism. Learn some creative ways to add it to your favorite dishes. Thanks for checking us out. Please take a look at the rest of...

VIDEO: How to Handle Diabetes When You’re Eating Out

Figuring out restaurant menus can be tricky when you have diabetes. Learn how to order the right foods, in the right portion sizes, so you can eat out without the guilt. Thanks for checking us...

VIDEO: How to Cook Easier With Arthritis

Common kitchen tasks can be a real challenge when you have arthritis. Here's how to prepare your meals with less pain. Thanks for checking us out. Please take a look at the rest of our...


Creating A Supportive Environment: Long-Term Disability Wellness In The Workplace

Workplace wellness is increasingly recognized as crucial for organizational productivity, growth, and overall workforce morale. While there's plenty of focus on general employee wellbeing,...

The Importance of a Public Health Worker in a Growing Community

As our communities continue to expand and evolve, the role of public health workers has become increasingly critical. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the...

7 Skills Every Nurse Needs

  The nursing profession offers remarkable rewards and significant challenges, calling for a wide array of skills to succeed. Nurses, as the cornerstone of the...

Ten unsuspected health benefits of Oats & honey

Oats and honey- the famous duo on everyone's breakfast list. From cereals to scrubs, trail mix, and energy bars, oats and honey have many...