Back to Basics Boot Camp: Basic Squat

Want to know the secret to getting toned and trim? It’s actually quite simple: know the basics!

Whether you are a seasoned fitness veteran or you are just starting a workout plan, knowing a few basic fitness definitions, key moves and a breakdown to perfect form is the best way to put you on a path to health success. Learning these basics will help you become a more knowledgeable fitness enthusiast and help you decide whether or not to include certain moves or concepts into your gym routine.

Think of it as a little fitness 101, if you will. Even long-term exercisers skip a beat on some basics gym moves so a refresher is always needed. In no time the personal trainers at your gym will be complimenting your form, fitness knowledge and coming to you for tips!

You will be a fitness master in the making with these Back to Basics Boot Camp sessions.

This week’s Back to Basics Boot Camp move is the squat. The squat is a classic, multi joint exercise that targets a variety of muscle groups. There are many variations (some of which B2B Boot Camp will get to!), but today we are focusing on the classic version.

Squats are a vital exercise for increasing strength and developing key muscle groups.

The primary muscles engaged:

  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Glutes
  • Erector Spinae
  • Abductors

Back to Basics Boot Camp Tip: Watch that your knees don’t extend past your toes! This puts great strain on your joints and we want to have you perfecting this move so you can do it for years to come.

Check out the video below so that you know your form is on point:

Strength Training Program For Women: Squats


Are squats a part of your fitness routine? Are you happy to have a refresher on basic squat form? Comment below!

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