The 7 Hidden Gluten-Free Sins

If you have celiac disease or you just want to liberate yourself from gluten by choice, there are some things you oughta know. (Cue Alanis Morrissette, sorry.) Before I even go there with the tough part – learning all the yummy foods you have to cut out of your everyday diet – let’s go over the good news. There are so many awesome recipes and replacements for gluten-containing foods that you won’t even miss it. I promise. From breads to more sinful baked goods, there are tons of options. But for the bad part? Well, you’re going to have to cut out a lot of foods. Even ones that don’t seem obvious (wheat breads and pasta be gone!) because traces of gluten are not your friend. There are a lot of hidden gluten-containing foods but the Huffington Post found 7 that might surprise you. So what exactly are the 7 hidden gluten sins? Check ’em out below (and get ready to make some dietary adjustments.)

Note: this is not a comprehensive list. The best way to avoid gluten is to learn how to read labels.

Soy Sauce

Sushi Soy Sauce Foods That Contain Glutenphoto credit: Renée S. Suen via photopin cc

While you can find soy sauces that don’t contain gluten, it’ll require a little bit of a search. Most soy sauces contain wheat, making them unsafe for those on a strict g-free diet.


Pickles Foods That Contain Glutenphoto credit: leezie5 via photopin cc

If you love pickles, don’t lose hope — there are plenty of brands that don’t contain gluten. Just watch out for ones that list malt vinegar as an ingredient. Good news: Vlasic pickles are safe for celiacs. Yay!

Hot Dogs

Hotdogs Hot Dogs Foods That Contain Glutenphoto credit: B Tal via photopin cc

Hot dogs are another food that will require you to check the label — same goes for sausages and other processed meats. The good news is, there are definitely safe brands out there, like Hebrew National.


Licorice Twizzlers Red Licorice Foods That Contain Glutenphoto credit: (peterwmdavis) via photopin cc

Licorice candies list wheat as one of the first few ingredients. Yikes! But what is a licorice lover to do? Don’t fret — there are gluten free alternatives.

Veggie Burgers

Veggie Burgers Foods Contain Glutenphoto credit: SweetOnVeg via photopin cc

Veggie burgers, along with many meat replacement foods specifically use gluten to give their foods a meaty consistency. Great for vegetarians with no food allergies — not so great for celiacs. If you’re looking for a safe brand, Smart Dogs and Tofu Pups (both hotdogs) from LightLife are safe

Salad Dressing

Salad Dressing Foods That Contain Glutenphoto credit: Chiot’s Run via photopin cc

Some dressings have malt vinegar (like pickles) which is unsafe for gluten-free diets, and some contain modified food starch (which may contain wheat) as a thickening agent.

Potato Chips

Flavored Potato Chips Foods That Contain Glutenphoto credit: TheFoodJunk via photopin cc

Potato chips on their own should be fine, but when you delve into flavored territory things get a little trickier. Always, always, always check the labels — some flavorings can include wheat, barley, and rye derivatives.

Going gluten-free isn’t easy. Gluten is one of those sneaky ingredients that hide in otherwise innocent-looking foods. As long as you check the labels persistently, you should be fine. The good news is, you’ll feel better and the even better news is, some gluten-free products actually taste better than their normal, gluten-y counterparts. Gluten-free brownie mix from Betty Crocker? Denser and fudgier than any regular brownies I’ve ever had, and Rienzi corn and rice-based pastas are just as good as regular noodles and similar in texture, but definitely more filling (which means you’ll be less tempted to over-eat on spaghetti night!)  Trust me, you won’t be missing a thing.

Are you gluten-free? What tips do you have?

h/t Huffington Post



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