Fave Things Friday: Hot Yoga Must-Haves

3 Hot Yoga Must-Haves

If you have ever got your Om on in a heated yoga room, you know that it is not the same as a regular ‘ol class. The heat takes your practice to a whole new (bendy) level. From personal experience, our vinyasa yoga gear is not enough. We need to double-up on our water intake and our sweat towel usage because when a room is on high heat, being towel-free is not an option.

Be prepared for your heated practice with these 3 hot yoga must-haves:

1. Large Headband from PrAna

Prana Headband

A heated yoga room is can be the equivalent of entering a steam room. But you can handle the heat with a PrAna headband. The wide and stylin’ headband is made from recycled polyester blend and it is guaranteed to minimize those sweat droplets from getting in your way during downward dog. PrAna has a slew of colorful bands that will speak to your chakra. ($14)

2. Skidless Yoga Towel from Yogitoes

Yogitoes Yoga Towel

Nothing is worse than when your yoga mat becomes a personal slip ‘n slide in the middle of class. A skidless yoga towel will solve all of your issues. The super absorbent layer is placed directly on your yoga mat and will stay in place because of the silicone dots securing your towel in place. The little nubs won’t impact your practice in the least. Good luck picking a color! ($64)

3. Pure Balance Water Bottle from Lululemon

Pure Balance Water Bottle

The key to surviving the 90 degree room: HYDRATE! When you are sweating that much you have to re-hydrate your working body. Sneak a sip before landing in child’s pose with the silicone-wrapped glass water bottle from Lululemon—the wide grip is perfect for your slippery hands. The bottle holds 19.5 ounces of H2O and has a screw-on cap for easy storage.

What is your hot yoga must-have? Any tools we left of the list!



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