Rainbow Carrots: Carrots with Character

Rainbow Carrot Recipes

Let’s make the Easter bunny proud by upping our carrot intake.

Of course, as an exploring foodie, we want to get wild and crazy with our eats even if it is just carrots. Enter: rainbow carrots.

The beautiful root vegetables can be found in hues from orange to red or white to purple. Don’t let the color scare you. Rainbow carrots are easy on the taste buds and there is a subtle flavor difference between the colors. They have a similar texture to the standard orange carrot and can be used in exactly the same way.

Fun carrot fact: the original color of carrots was deep purple and not the orange we are accustomed to today, so eating these “off” hues are an ode to the past. We vote to bring back the colors! Rainbow carrots are packed with vitamins and fiber and actually contain more antioxidants like other purple fruits and veggies have. Plus, they are like a painter’s palate in carrot form and we can’t deny how beautiful they are.

Ready to get munching? Try these colorful carrot recipes:

Have you tried rainbow carrots? Do you think they taste any different than the classic orange variety?

photo credit: SummerTomato via photopin cc



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