Pretty & Pamper This Not That: Lip Scrubs for the Perfect Pout

This Not That: Lip Scrubs for the Perfect Pout

This Not That Lip Scrubs

It’s easy to take our lips for granted. We often don’t pay much attention to them, but they do a lot of work for us as we eat and speak. Did you know that exfoliating lips helps lip gloss and lipstick apply more evenly to lips? I tested out two exfoliating lip scrubs this week to see which scrub is really worth your time.

The first scrub remedy calls for coconut oil, honey, and brown sugar.

  1. Mash together 1 Tbsp. coconut oil and 1 Tbsp. honey. Your coconut oil should be solid, but you should still be able to scoop it with a spoon. If it’s too oily, refrigerate it for a few minutes, and if it is too hard, you can run the jar under hot water for a few minutes.
  2. Stir in 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, and mix well.
  3. Rub directly onto lips with a circular motion, for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Remove with a warm washcloth.

Keep the remainder of the lip scrub in a jar in the refrigerator, and you’ll be able to use it for up to two weeks.

  • The fatty acids and antioxidants in coconut oil work their magic to nourish your lips.
  • Brown sugar is less abrasive than white sugar, but still works to remove dead skin cells.
  • The scrub is edible…and tastes delicious!


  • I didn’t feel like the scrub smoothed away every bit of dry skin on my lips. I’d recommend following up the scrub by rubbing plain coconut oil into your lips to get the full conditioning benefits of the oil.
  • This scrub requires a little more effort than the second scrub, especially if your coconut oil is not yet the right consistency.
  • Be sure not to exfoliate your lips too often, or they may become irritated. There’s no right answer to how much is too much, since everyone’s lips are different, but about two to three times a week will probably be enough (although you may have to add a day or two in cold or dry weather).

SEE ALSO WellBitten Wellness Tip: Pamper with Coconut Oil



The second lip scrub simply requires lip balm and your toothbrush!

  1. Apply lip balm.
  2. Rub your lips in a circular motion with the toothbrush.
  3. Rinse with warm water, and wipe off with a washcloth.


  • This scrub is so easy! You likely already have both ingredients on hand, so you can dash into the bathroom and exfoliate your lips right now.
  • If you apply the lip balm you typically use, there’s no need to worry about your lips reacting to a new substance.
  • If you have a smaller toothbrush in your house (such as a child’s toothbrush), it will be even more effective.


  • My lips still felt chapped after the lip balm and toothbrush treatment.
  • Many proponents of the toothbrush treatment recommend using petroleum jelly, but it turns out that petroleum jelly may not be as harmless as people believe. Petroleum jelly seals skin cells, which makes them feel softer, but it doesn’t actually moisturize them.
  • Check out the ingredients in your lip balm on the Environmental Working Group’s website and make sure you don’t mind that they are absorbed through your skin into your body. For example, my Carmex Lip Balm ranks a 4, and my Burt’s Bees Acai Berry Lip Balm ranks a 2.

Verdict: Go for plant power. Coconut oil scores a 0 on the EWG site, and naturally moisturizes lips.

SEE ALSO Fact or Fiction: Does Lip Balm Make Chapped Lips Worse?

For more beauty tips, check out our Pretty & Pamper features here.

How do you take care of your lips?

All images via Thinkstock




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