The Oscars – or “Academy Awards “, if you want to be official – are a big night in television, and we love watching this spectacle celebrating achievements in film. We also love scrutinizing what the biggest stars are wearing on the Red Carpet while pretending we have seen more than only one of the films nominated for Best Picture. However, as beloved as the Oscars are in our culture, there is no denying that they can get boring, especially after you are one hour in. Luckily, we had Ellen DeGeneres hosting the show for a second time. Her first time was actually in 2007 and she won a Primetime Emmy for it. But, when even Ellen, isn’t enough to keep you entertained, you can always reach for a cocktail. If seeing all the stars in their couture gowns makes you feel like a slob, all you need is a classy cocktail to give you a little confidence boost.
So if you plan on needing various pick-me ups throughout your next Oscars journey, check out these cocktails. They’ll get you the whole way through, until the last winner gets played off the stage. This all being said, while these concoctions will work well at future Oscars parties, they will also work for those times when you are alone on your couch.
For the Red Carpet pre-shows: 3 Berry Red Wine Sangria (via Imma Eat That)
A glass of red sangria is the perfect way to kick off Oscars night. This one is full of berries – so it is nice and fruity. It counts as a full serving of fruit after a glass or two, right? Sangria is a great, healthier option for a cocktail, especially when it is sweetened with honey instead of regular sugar. Let us recommend NOT putting on your fancy evening gown though. Red wine and high fashion don’t really mix.
Cheers to Ellen DeGeneres: Blueberry Mojito (via The Novice Chef)
Trying to figure out what Ellen’s favorite cocktail is was too hard, so we decided to go with something that reminded us of her amazingly fun and hilarious personality. The blue color of this drink definitely stands out from the crowd. It is a little sweet, a little fruity, and definitely packs a punch – just like Ellen. If you don’t want all that sugar so close to bed time, you can swap it out for some agave.
My apologies, but we decided against pairing a cocktail with every movie nominated for Best Picture. If this was 2008, and there were only 5 films up for the honor, it may have been a different story. If you need some refreshing on what movies were nominated this year, this will help you out. We don’t want to snub the category all together though, so we chose a few films that seem like they would be most likely to drink a cocktail, if movies could drink cocktails that is.
American Hustle: Harvey Wallbanger (via Cashmere Apron)
Everything about American Hustle screams 1970s, so pairing a Harvey Wallbanger (a cocktail that screams 1970s) with this film is a no-brainer. This recipe is great because it not only tells you how to make this Galliano liquer-based drink, but also provides a recipe for turning it into a delicious cake. A cake, for crying out loud!
The Wolf of Wall Street: Vodka Martini Inspired Cocktail (via Cook In Dine Out)
I (personally) have to admit that I have not seen The Wolf of Wall Street, but based on the description paired with this recipe, this cocktail is a perfect fit. You get all of the deliciousness of a vodka martini and ice cold lemonade all in the same glass. I nominate this cocktail because it pretends it’s classy but has a whole lotta funk.
Sip This Through The Night: Champagne

Fancy cocktails are delicious, but not ideal for drinking through the night. Too many blue mojitos and you won’t make it past the first commercial break. If you want something to sip on throughout the whole show, the Oscars are the perfect occasion for popping open a few bottles of bubbly. If you want to take things a step further and step up your champagne game, you can add some fresh berries or your favorite fruit juice to your glass. A Champagne bar could be perfect for an Oscars party.
Night Cap: Apple Spiced Bourbon Toddies (via Leite’s Culinaria)
One of the best ways to end a night of cocktails is with something nice and warm that will help you get to sleep. Sticking with the fruity theme running through this cocktails list, spiked apple cider seems like the perfect finish.
For more boozy inspiration check out our collection of Thirsty Thursday Recipes.
What did you drink during the Oscars?