Food & Fitness Tuesday Top 10: Weird Workouts to Try

Tuesday Top 10: Weird Workouts to Try

10 Weird and Wonderful Workouts to Try

It may not seem like it, but there is more to the fitness world than running, yoga and spin class. Even those with a fitness-focused attention span (not me) can get bored with the same old bump and grind.

Inserting unconventional training into your routine will help keep those calories burning without feeling like you are on elliptical autopilot every time you visit the gym. We will do just about anything to make a workout not seem like work…even if it means it is a little weird.

During the holidays it is especially difficult to stick with a fitness routine so spice it up with some exercise oddities that will keep you coming back from more.

Trade your tried and true dumbbells and treadmill in for these 10 unusual ways to get a move on:

1. Backpack Walk-a-Thon

Fill a backpack with cans and other non-perishable food items and walk with some extra weight on your back to a local food bank. Get the whole neighborhood involved in this one.

2. Workout Sans Shoes

Shoes? Who needs ‘em.  Barefoot training is all the rage these days. Many gyms picked up the willpower & grace class on their group fitness schedules which allows your feet the opportunity to be free. The foot-fitness conditioning program that teaches you to stretch your toes, increase the circulation in your feet and how to land gracefully.

3. X-Rated  Workout

You exercise to feel good and look good in your underwear, right? Pole dancing focused classes like Cardio Striptease brings this concept to the next level. Don’t worry, you stay fully clothed as you sweat to a stripper-inspired workout that allows you to shake what your momma gave you. The hardest part is not laughing at your girlfriends during class.

4. Aquatic Stationary Bike….say what?

The fitness industry is always pushing the limits so submerging a bike in a miniature hot tub was bound to happen sometime, right? FitWet is a bizarre fitness invention that we aren’t sure falls on the completely insane or totally awesome side of the scale, but we like the idea of taking a dip while attending spin class.

5. Circus-Inspired Workouts

Isn’t it everyone’s dream to be in Cirque Du Soleil? Get a taste of circus life with Jukari’s Fit to Fly program developed by the Cirque and Reebok teams. Us less-than-nimble mortals get a chance to tone your whole body with modified circus equipment and calliope music. You’ll be set for the next auditions.

6. Club or Class?

Finally a workout that kills two birds with one stone: burn calories and work on your dance moves. Booiaka (pronounced boo-yaka) is a hip-hop inspired workout that mimics your night out at the clubs (or maybe what you wish you looked like on your night out). Join the dance movement today.

7. Upgrade to a Battle Rope

Who needs a regular ‘ol jump rope when you can have a battle rope? The 2-inch wide ropes have gained popularity after being seen in shows like The Biggest Loser and for good reason. By moving the ropes up and down you get a killer arm workout but the power you have to generate impacts your core. All that, from a rope and we still drop thousands on the latest and greatest fitness equipment. Hmmm…

8. Cardio Karaoke

Usually you need a few adult beverages before you show off your shower voice, but maybe a shot of Gatorade will be enough to get participating in the sing-along sweat sess. The concept is similar to how aerobic and spin instructors count on upbeat music to keep the class going except in this case the one on the American Idol stage is you.

9. Paddleboard Yoga

If vinyasa on your mat is not difficult enough, try holding warrior 2 on a paddleboard. Your sense of balance and your fear of sharks is challenged in one class. Daring enough to try?

10. Hula-Hoop Exercise

Many of us haven’t touched a hula-hoop since we were a kid, but the childhood toy is a bona fide piece of workout equipment. Fitness hula-hooping will get you swirling your hips and burning calories. There are even classes at selected gyms that focus on this technique. And the hula-hoop fun doesn’t stop…there is even hoopilates. Yup.

Would you try any of these weird and wacky workouts? What is the strangest exercise you have ever done?

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  1. I like the sound if the hula hoop one!
    Also, I’ve decided pie making can count as cardio-all that rolling out of crust and chopping fruit can get tiring!


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