6 Tips for a Healthy Halloween Sweet Tooth

Halloween is the sweet time of the year, but it can also be a candy-focused nightmare for your waistline. Those little candy bars can really add up. For example, 1 Reese’s Cup is 42 calories and 2.4 grams of fat and that is just for a mini!

Being around all the sweet treats can be a challenge so the best thing to do is set some candy rules for yourself and your little ones. We don’t want you to disregard all of the hard work you did this summer by packing on the pounds via the Halloween candy stash.

Be vigilant with your candy consumption with these tips:

1. Keep Temptation Away

Avoid keeping a stock pile of your favorite candy in the house. You will tell yourself that it is for the trick-or-treaters, but we know that a few will make it into your mouth before the doorbell even rings.

2. Set a Limit

Set a limit for yourself on how many pieces of candy you can have each day and stick with it! Two fun-sized pieces have an average of 50 to 100 calories and should be plenty to appease your sweet tooth.

3. Stop Eating the Candy you Don’t Love

If you have a stash of candy around that your children brought in or leftover from trick-or-treaters, don’t munch on the candy you are not crazy about. Pick out your top 3 and don’t touch the rest.

4. Provide Healthy Alternatives

Make a pact to yourself to satisfy your sweet tooth with other options besides candy. A fresh fruit, yogurt or a frozen fruit bar can appease your craving and save you from eating the empty calories that candy provides. Be sure you pantry has other choices!

5. Set up a Candy Hideout

Out of sight, out of mind. The worst thing to do is put a container of candy on your countertop. When your sweet treats are not in plain view you will be less likely to eat it.

6. The Less You Eat Now, the More there is Later

This might work better for little ones than for you, but some mental tricks never hurt anyone! Remind yourself that the less candy you indulge in now means the longer you can enjoy a piece or two down the road. Reasoning with yourself has its perks.

Do you have any candy rules in your house? How do you beat the sweet tooth attack during the candy holiday?

photo credit: Pahz via photopin cc


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