The Only Fourth Of July Cocktail You Need to Make

fourth of july cocktail

We love preaching balance in every aspect of healthy living. From diet to exercise, no complete extreme will yield long-lasting results. That’s why Fourth of July should be your time to splurge and live a little.

Whether your plans are to head to the beach and lie in the sun all day (make sure to reapply that SPF!) or stay at home and throw the ultimate cookout, we have a great recipe that’s both patriotic and refreshing.

Brandi Milloy walks you through the Red, White and Blue Strawberry Sparkler cocktail that requires only a few ingredients – some of which you may already have at home. These include: strawberries, champagne, lime, sugar, strawberry liqueur, and Sauza Blue Tequila.

The concoction yields about 10 servings per batch and is described as sweet, refreshing and tart. If the addition of tequila is too strong for you, feel free to exclude it and you will be left with something just as refreshing and bubbly. You may even be tempted to sip away at it all day long, but like we said earlier, moderation is key!

For more recipes, check out our features here.

Would you try this Fourth of July cocktail?

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