Class Review: “JumpDance” at JumpLife

“Try new things.”: We hear the truism often. Many of us reiterate it, acknowledge its importance, and then ignore it altogether. Why make yourself uncomfortable trying the unfamiliar when you can stick with the familiar – the things you already know you love? The answer is: growth. New experiences are the root of personal growth, which is why I hopped over to JumpLife (located at 404 Broadway between Canal and Walker in NYC),

“the first known studio in the world that is dedicated solely to trampoline fitness classes.”

Yes, you read that correctly: fitness classes on personal trampolines that look like this:

The concept behind JumpLife, created by Spanish-born fitness expert Montserrat Markou, is a pretty genius one: it’s primarily labeled as a low-impact, high-intensity cardio workout for individuals looking to exercise and lose weight without aggravating existing injuries. Markou first thought up the trampoline workout regimen while practicing acupuncture and massage therapy, then later made the natural decision to add dance club music and disco balls to the exercise class.

JumpDance, the studio’s signature 45-minute workout, is meant to “increase your energy, lift your mood, and get you moving to the beat of a new lifestyle.” Not all JumpLife classes are geared towards the club-inclined, though (pictured above).  JumpLife also offers the JumpGym class (sans club music and disco lights) that combines cardio and light weight lifting on the trampolines. Another class on offer, JumpFusion, incorporates yoga, Pilates, resistance training, and “rebounding” (aka trampoline-jumping), while the JumpKidz classes consist mostly of games and are offered for the younger set.

SEE ALSO Music Monday: Cardio Blast with Britney Spears

I’m no cardio junkie, but when JumpLife founder and creator Montserrat Markou described a JumpDance class to me as,

“Dynamic, Vivacious, and Recharged,”

I knew I had to try it. I assumed the workout was comparable to childhood bounce sessions on inflatable moon jumps. In truth, it wasn’t at all. The personal trampolines are (understandably) far more resistant than the one in your neighbor’s backyard. In other words, you won’t fly up three feet in the air (which I now realize makes sense, considering the height of New York City ceilings). My wild visions of me doing amateur flips during JumpDance may not have materialized, but the class was by no means a disappointment.

SEE ALSO Thriller Jump and Pump Workout

The class is said to burn between 600 and 650 calories, and is largely geared towards toning the lower body, though it requires considerable core stability and strength, as well as balance. That calorie burn count initially sounded inflated to me, but as I huffed and puffed while hopping, kicking, and squatting to heart-pumping hits, it quickly made sense.

SEE ALSO Daily Bite [Sweat]: Incline Core Scissors

The pulsing atmosphere in a JumpDance session makes the exercise class unique; the darkened room creates a judgment-free zone, while the flashing lights ensure that the workout feels exhilarating. (How many times have you said that about a run on the treadmill?) And while I may have (definitely) botched the one-two step that the instructor cued, I can say that I tried something new, and isn’t that all that matters?

For more Food & Fitness features, check out our articles here.

 What new things are you trying lately?

 All images via JumpLife


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