Celebrity Wellness Habits You Should Adopt ASAP

Cut out carbs. Run a marathon. Live in the moment. You’ve heard it all, tried it, and felt like a failure when your teeth sank into a crusty, bready baguette, when you ran 2.5 miles and felt like you could collapse, and when you planned out every hour of your day (including “Relax 3 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.”). In other words, health advice of this nature is grandiose and often times unattainable. That’s why we’re looking to healthy stars’  for some more doable wellness habits that’ll keep us looking and feeling our best.

SEE ALSO The 10 Best Things a Woman Can Do For Her Body

Joy Bauer: “Stop the Negative Self-Talk”

Acclaimed health and nutrition expert Joy Bauer wants you to hop off the negativity train ASAP. The RD (registered dietician) encourages others to evaluate the reasoning behind their not-so-nice thoughts regarding their health by “identifying their sabotaging thoughts, questioning their validity, and then taking positive action to change things.” That means not feeling like it’s your fault you’re unable to maintain a zero-fat (or carb) diet — such a strict meal plan is unsustainable and has no place affecting how you view your self-worth. Our advice? Place a post-it on your mirror that will remind you of your value (something along the lines of “I love myself,” or “I am trying my best,”) each and every morning. Progress will follow positivity.

Dr. Oz: “Stretch First Thing in the Morning”

Dr. Oz wants you to wake up, then stretch immediately. The doctor-turned-talk-show-host-sensation says this habit works for multiple reasons; stretching for ten minutes first thing in the a.m. helps kickstart circulation, reduces the risk of heart attack, and alleviates stress. We’ll take it. Stretching also energizes the body, making you feel ready for the day ahead. Start lengthening those limbs to rise and shine even better.

SEE ALSO Daily Bite Wellness Tip: Proper Stretching

Jessica Biel: “Treat Yourself”

This famously fit star is known for her varied workout regimen (martial arts, volleyball, and yoga are among her favorite exercise activities), uber-healthy diet (I do a lot of cooking at home using grains and vegetables,”), and all around rockin’ bod. But Biel knows that an extreme nutrition plan isn’t healthy, either. The actress told Glamour UK, “When I’m working and I eat healthily all week, I then give myself one day — usually Sunday — when I eat what I want…You have to, otherwise your mind goes a little nutso.” Cheat days all around?!

Jillian Michaels: “Sleep!”

 “The Biggest Loser” trainer Jillian Michaels knows there’s no excuse for not getting at least seven hours of sleep every night. Why? Because the risks of continued sleep deprivation include stroke, diabetes, memory loss, cancer, and bone damage. Shut eye also serves a critical role in the functioning of your metabolism. If you’re looking to lose lbs., don’t be shy to hit the sack, as it may actually benefit your weight loss efforts. Zzz…

SEE ALSO 9 Tips to Help You Get to Sleep Faster

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What wellness habits do you practice regularly?

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