Who’s Fit for President? Healthy Habits of Obama and Romney

Today is Election Day and while the rest of the world is anticipating the results on who is the most fit to be president, we are interested in getting a bit more personal with Obama and Romney…and their healthy lifestyle habits.

The 2012 U.S. presidential candidates may disagree on many points, but living a healthy lifestyle is something that both can agree on.  Even with their busy lives campaigning and being at the forefront of the political world, both President Obama and Governor Romney manage to maintain strong health habits.

Here is how they stack up!

Eating Habits: Obama vs. Romney

Eating on the go is a staple in the lives of a politician. How do they manage?

Romney fairs well by eating meals like turkey breast with veggies and rice and being careful to avoid extra, unwanted calories by making a habit to peel the skin off of chicken or remove extra cheese from his pizza. Moderation and careful consideration of food choices is important to Romney.

Obama must follow good eating habits since the First Lady is a big believer in the cause. The Obama’s typically nosh on healthy foods like lean proteins, vegetables and whole grain rice but definitely gives into the 90/10 eating rule. Obama is no stranger to enjoying a burger from time to time!

How the presidential candidates are dining winners: they practice BALANCE.

Fitness Habits: Obama vs. Romney

Gym or no gym, breaking a sweat is major stress relief for both candidates.

Considering the fact that Romney has a small sports team in his family (he has FIVE sons!), a bit of throwing the ball around is a normal habit. Plus, Romney reportedly runs several miles every morning even if it means taking laps around the hotel.

The Obamas have set a standard of being very dedicated to their fitness routine. President Obama is known to exercise 6 days a week with a mix of cardio and weights. He also partakes in sporty activies like basketball and football.

How the presidential candidates are fitness winners: moving is a part of their daily life.

With Obama and Romney battling about everything from the war to schools, healthcare to the green in your pocket, it is good to know that living a healthy lifestyle is still a top priority for both of them.

No matter the outcome, at least that is a win to look up to.

Need a mental break from all of the political banter? Try these 5 tips to mentally survive the elections.

Have you voted today? Do you follow the healthy habits of either presidential candidate?