White Currants: More than Bird Food

Who needs grapes when you have white currants?

I have a micro obsession with the striking translucent orbs….even if they make me pucker up from time to time and even if it means I have to battle with the birds to have a summer treat.

Red currants normally steal the show in the currant family, but white currants deserve to have some of the spotlight. White currants are the sweeter cousin of the red and black variety. The sugary burst is mild and still has a bit of tang. You can compare their flavors to gooseberries.

Nutritionally speaking, you can’t go wrong with eating more currants. Currants offer a boatload of fiber and a heaping amount of vitamin C. A cup of currants has almost 3 times as much potassium as a banana. Plus white currants are low in calories, fat and sodium and they contain no cholesterol. With luxurious flavors and a wealth of nutritional benefits, it is hard not to be swept away by white currants this time of year.

Should you see any of the translucent fruit, snatch them up! This is one fruit that you may never see again if you pass up the opportunity to purchase. Farmers markets are a hot spot for them and can likely fill you with some fun facts about the summer fruit.

In searching the web, it seems that lots of people are lost on what to do with the summer berry. White currants are rarely specified in recipes (especially the savory options) in comparison to their red counterpart. So here are a few recipes to get the lost soul on track to white currant deliciousness:

The ultimate white currant pairing is white chocolate. I guess they can’t get enough of each other being the same white hue. Ready to make a pair up recipe that proves it?

The #PairYourEats Challenge is just around the corner! Remember to document your fabulous food pairings to share in a post on the first of the month. In the meantime, let’s get some ideas going on what to pair with the mysterious white currant.

CLICK TO TWEET >>> White currants + ______ are a match made in #foodie heaven. #PairYourEats w/ @BiteSzWellness for creative kitchen ideas http://bit.ly/Qrsl9W<<<TWEET ME!

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Have you ever tried white currants? What pairing ideas do you have for this interesting fruit? Let’s talk about it in the comment section below!

photo credit: Barbro_Uppsala via photo pin cc


    • Talia

      The farmers market is overflowing with currants right now…but otherwise I would try a higher end grocer like Whole Foods. Let me know if you try them!