What Is Making You Tired & When To See A Doctor

Just about everyone that you speak to today will understand what it is like to feel tired from time to time. We live in a fast-paced world. There is always so much to do and so much to be a part of. We are connected 24/7, and it is not making our lives any easier.

We all understand what it is like to feel tired, because all of us have, at one time or another, taken on too much. But what happens when you are tired all the time? When no lifestyle improvements seem to make much difference?How do you know if the fatigue is caused by stress or if it is caused by something more serious?

What Other Fatigue Symptoms Are You Displaying?

Fatigue on its own could be an indication that you are not eating correctly or that you are not getting enough sleep. If it is stress-related, you will generally be able to ascribe a cause for the fatigue. Something like having trouble falling asleep. It is when fatigue becomes a constant factor in your life and that you cannot easily find a reason for it, that you have to start looking a bit deeper.

Do you have other symptoms, for example, pallor, or difficulty breathing? You might feel chills or have a sore back. These symptoms individually don’t really seem all that significant, but together they could indicate a disease, such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia according to the literature on XpertDox.

What to Do About Your Fatigue

To start off with, start noting your symptoms. Take time out if you can and get some proper rest. Did your symptoms improve? Keep copious notes of anything out of the ordinary health-wise, making special note of changes. For example, the type of anemia that we spoke about above also typically causes darkening of your urine. If you are experiencing both, it may be time to speak with your doctor.

Do You Have Any Other Sleep Conditions?

Continuing with the example of the anemia again, conditions such as systemic lupus and Crohn’s Disease put you at greater risk of developing the disease. Note down any conditions that you currently suffer from and visit your doctor.

What is Your Family’s Medical History?

Are there any hereditary illnesses that could be causing this problem? If there are known diseases or diagnoses let your doctor know your family history and current symptoms you are experience that could be linked to your family medical history.

When to Consult a Doctor

Now that you have all this information, it’s time to make an appointment to see your doctor. By collecting as much information as possible on your symptoms, and coupling it with your current medical history and family medical history, you are giving your doctor a much clearer view of the problem.

This increases the likelihood that they will be able to make the right diagnoses and get you started on treatment as soon as possible.

Some conditions, such as the anemia, can only be diagnosed through blood tests. Your doctor is not going to want to put you through a barrage of unnecessary tests, however. By giving them as much information as possible, you are helping to narrow the field.