Wellness Wire: Why Eating Local Is Better

When you think of the route one batch of fruits or vegetables takes from the moment it’s harvested, to your refrigerator, that small fruit or vegetable has gone through an immense amount of traveling. Do you ever wonder how those tomatoes or bananas from Mexico got to your kitchen? 

Though these fruits and vegetables that traveled halfway across the country to reach your home are still benefiting farmers in other areas of the world, have you ever considered what happens to the produce that neighbor down the street produces at his farm?

In this economy, people of all different professions are struggling, especially our local farmers. It’s up to the community to give support to these farmers that provide an incredible service to us.

Eating locally grown product is better for the environment, and your health. It eliminates the need for excessive food preservatives, fuel for transporting, and is fresher than store-bought produce. Not only this, but it supports local farmers who aren’t part of big corporations.

Most local produce is sold within a day of harvest, ensuring ultimate freshness.

Not all local farms require organically grown produce because smaller farms often use less aggressive chemicals on their batch of produce. Locally grown produce is typically comparable to the price of store bought food, but the difference is who gets the money.

Usually, farmers receive less than half of a dollar spent on food. The rest goes to transportation, packing, and marketing the produce. Eating locally ensures that the farmers receive 100% full retail value of whatever they sell.

Visit your local farmer’s market, farm, stores that sell local products, or even start your own garden. Sometimes, there are even restaurants that will serve locally grown produce.

Know when produce is in season to ensure the best quality food.

How often do you go to your local farmer’s market?

Photos via Thinkstock


  1. Ellen

    Hehe, I joke that for all the gnarly toxins we put into the air driving here in LA we make up for with farmers markets:) Eating local is a lot easier living in California!