Wellness Wire: NYC Soda Ban Blocked

New York City Mayor and fervent public health advocate Michael Bloomberg has been attempting to ban the sale of large sugary sodas and other soft drinks in the city for quite some time now. An appellate court in the state decided yesterday, however, upheld a lower court’s earlier ruling that such an action cannot be seen as legal.

This decision – and this ordeal entirely – comes as good news to some and bad for others. The ban, which would have forbade places like restaurants and movie theaters from selling sugary beverages in 16 ounce sizes or larger, has been the subject of much controversy since it was first introduced by Mayor Bloomberg just over a year ago, and that drama does not seemed to have died down one bit. Many believe that the placement of restrictions on the sale of any food or drink items can be seen as a violation of citizens’ basic rights. The major concern is, however, that sugary beverages like sodas and other soft drinks are a major source of excess calories, sugars, and chemical additives like flavorings, colorings, and caffeine, and especially so in extremely large portions. Scientific studies have concluded that there is solid evidence linking sugary soda consumption with obesity and related chronic diseases like diabetes, and even a large number of deaths.

Sugary sodas are clearly an important issue when it comes to health and wellness. It is also definitely a sensitive issue and one that should be approached with caution. While on the one hand, increasing the amount of education surrounding sugary beverages and their effect on health can serve as an alternative way to tone down their negative effects without resorting to drastic legal measures, on the other hand such a delicate approach may not be enough to combat the widespread nature of obesity and other diseases caused by their overconsumption.

Worried about your soda intake? Here are a few ways you can fight the temptation to down sugary beverages even when it’s still hot outside:

1. Start small

Like any bad habit, soda drinking is one that can take time to cut out. It also takes a firm decision to commit to action. If you are a multiple soda-a-day drinker, start by eliminating just one soda per day and replacing it with water or unsweetened iced tea instead.

2. Go au naturel 

Natural sources of sugar like fruits can provide your body the same satisfaction it needs when it craves the sugar that you would normally get from drinking a soda. As an added bonus, fruits contain essential vitamins and minerals as well as fiber which will keep you full and satisfied longer, helping stave off any more cravings you may have.

3. Homemade alternatives

If you absolutely cannot fathom the idea of eliminating all sweet, bubbly beverages from your diet entirely, there are homemade recipes that can save you excess calories, sugar, and chemical additives. Try mixing equal parts fresh-squeezed orange juice or other 100% fruit juice with sparkling water for a lightly (and naturally) sweetened carbonated beverage, or add 1 tablespoon each of lemon juice and either agave nectar or maple syrup to a glass of water for a delicious homemade lemonade with only 60 calories per serving (and if you’re feeling extra bold, add a small pinch of cayenne pepper to the mix for a metabolism kick!).

What are your thoughts on the soda ban? 

Feature image: wakalani via photopin cc