Wellness To-Go: 6 Stress Relief Ideas You Can Do Anywhere

Sometimes the moments you need to do a stress scream you are not in the comfort of your own home. Luckily there are several ways you can relieve your stress when you are out and about.

Here are 6 stress relief strategies we rely on when we are on the move:

1. Use your iPod

Listening to music or stand-up comedy for a few minutes can quickly relax your mind muscles. It changes your focus to something else for the time being. The sound of nature is appealing, but we can’t get enough Norah Jones in a time of stress.

2. Breathe In, Breathe Out

Breathing may be easiest and most portable stress reliever out there. You can do an exercise in minutes and practice it wherever you are. Sit or stand in a relaxed position and slowly inhale through your nose for five seconds. Exhale for about 8 seconds through your mouth. The simple act is an instant tension tamer.

3. Create a Short To-Do List

The key with to-do lists is not to overdo it on the to-dos. If you write down too much stuff you will feel just as overwhelmed as you were pre-list. Aim to get two or three of the most important things done each day and then save the rest for another day. These little victories will relieve the mind mess.

4. Avoid the Gray Zone

Stop bringing home stress into work and work into your home. The gray zone can really up your stress so set some rules to ensure there is no crossover. Here are some to follow: put your work hat on in the office and take it off when you get home, no working after 7 o’clock and no working on the weekends. You will not create stress in places it doesn’t need to be by following these rules.

5. Be Early

Often times stress hits during a commute. The key to keeping it cool during your travel time is to get in the habit of arriving 5 to 10 minutes early everywhere you go. It is a simple change you can make that will ease your mind.

6. Eat Some Whole Grains

Foods can be mood-boosters. One of the key nutrients found in whole grains is magnesium which is a mineral that is known to help regulate blood pressure. Boost your feel good chemical and manage your stress by consuming a whole grain with each meal.

What stress relief strategies do you have when you are away from your home? Share them below!

photo credit: pat00139 via photopin cc


  1. Ellen

    It probably works similarly to breathing, but if I can take a minute to just do a few stretches it just sort of resets and refreshes and calms me-maybe something to do with getting oxygen to my muscles….

    • Talia

      Oh yes! That is a great one to add to the list. Didn’t even think of it but stretching is worth a post in its own!

  2. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    What helps me destress is texting friends, calling my mom, chewing some gum or having a snack. I usually stress out when I am hungry, so eating it probably the first thing I do. If I am still bugging out after that, I know I need to talk to someone (or even to myself out loud, lol)… So I can figure out how to handle what the issue is!

    • Talia

      Love to talk things out too. There is something so liberating about getting your anxious/stressed feelings off your chest. I think that is a good tactic too!

  3. Ali @ WHOLEistically Fit

    Great strategies! I’ve especially been working on the “be early” one. It really does help reduce so much stress. I also like to get grounded and in the moment by drinking a warm cup of tea. I take the time to notice the feel of the warm mug in my hands, the sound of the liquid splashing around as I lift the cup, the aroma of the tea as I breathe it in, the taste as it hits my tongue, and the soothing feeling as it goes down my throat. So simple, yet effective! 🙂

    • Talia

      Most people don’t have the ability to get that “in tune” with something as simple as a cup of tea…so way to go Ali!