WellBitten Wellness Tip: Protect your Winter Eyes

Who doesn’t love some pin-able bites of inspiration? Introducing WellBitten–a daily series full of fit tips, motivational thoughts and healthy eating ideas for head-to-toe wellness. Think of it as a post-it from BSW to keep you moving, eating right and feeling WellBitten!

Need some major help de-puffing? We have you covered with these 3 simple ways to de-puff right at home.

Do you use a daily eye cream? What is your favorite brand?

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  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    I really need some advice on eye creams because I am constantly told that I need to use one. I took a face analysis test and the skin around my eyes is super dehydrated! I was also told that you cannot just use the moisturizer you already use on your face… :-/